chapter 15

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Todays the day!! Kasey is finally going to have her baby. I know, I know. You don't choose when your babys born, but Kasey is being induced, which means her baby can't come on it's own so the doctors set a date for kasey to come in and get induced to have her baby.

"Jesus it's been hours!" Kasey complained slumping back into the delivery bed. "I know, I'm sorry baby." Dylan grabbed her hand and gently rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand. I seen Kasey's hand tighten around Dylan's hand. Her face squinched together and a loud groan escaped her mouth. "These are the worst contractions!" She pressed her feet on the end of the bed to reduce pain.

I sat in the chair in the corner watching as Dylan comforted Kasey. My heart pumped as I seen the pain she was going through. "I turned to Payton who was sitting on another chair beside me. "That's gonna be me! I can't do this! I'm not ready!" I exclaimed. "It's different for different people. Maybe yours won't hurt as bad." Payton didn't look up from his phone. "Yeah, that's a big 'maybe' I'm scared Payton." I talked over Kaseys whining. "Katie, don't stress it. It's still like 4 months away." He locked his phone and looked up at me. "That's not that long! Those 4 months are gonna fly by like that." I snapped my fingers. "Just chill, rest while you have the chance. I'm going to the vending machine want anything?" He asked standing up and putting his phone on the arm of my chair. "An armor strawberry banana juice." I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed the middle of his hand. "What the hell is tha- I look for it if they have it, whatever the fuck that is." He chuckled shaking his head walking out of the delivery room.

I grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He uses his face as the code to get in since it's the newest iPhone X but luckily I know the extra code. '91819' It's the due date of our daughter. I took tons of pictures on Snapchat and posted it all over his story. I even opened some chats from fans. "Oh my God." I laughed at a message one of his fans sent.

'hey Payt! I'm Kelly. You're my idol and I would love toeet up and have some fun, if you know what I mean😉😉 227 North main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina.'

I chuckled and deleted the text. Soon I exited out of Snapchat and clicked on crossy roads (a game.)

"Fuck." I rolled my eyes at the phone. "What are you doing on my phone?" Paytons voice flowed through my ears. I looked up to him. A smirk played on his face. "Playing a game." I laughed. "Yea right. I found the drink." He tossed it over to me.  "Now gimmey phone." He reached over for it but I pulled it away. "Nope." I laughed. "Kaitlyn Marie." He crossed his arms. I gave off an evilish grin and slide his phone down my shirt and into my bra. "If you want it so bad, get it." I leaned back on the seat. "Really? I'm not scared to stick my hand down my girlfriends  bra." He laughed. "Then prove it to me. Get your phone." I smirked. He playfully rolled his eyes and stuck his hand down my shirt and into my bra. Just as he was grabbing his phone, the nurse walked in. Payton and I froze. His hand was still in my bra. "I-." The nurse started. Her stutter turned into a laugh. "Anyways. Kasey you are fully ready to have this baby, so I'm gonna have to ask everyone but the father to step into the lobby and wait about 30 minutes for this special gift." The nurse smiled, sitting some equipment down in front of the bed. Payton grabbed his phone and yanked his hand out of my shirt. We were silent walking to the lobby. "That was awkward." Laughed. "Yeah how to you think I feel. I was the one with my hand down your shirt!" He scoffed. "Yeah but I was the one letting you put your hand there."


We finally got seated in the lobby. We were talking about some YouTube video ideas and about the amount of followers we reached on tiktok. Not long after Little lullaby music played across the building. And loud cries came from down the hall. "Well her baby's here." I took a drink of my juice. A nurse came back and welcomed us back into the delivery room.

Payton and I followed behind the nurse and walked into the room. "Awh." My heat went soft. Dylan was holding a cute little baby wrapped up in a blue blanket with a white baby beanie on. "It's a baby boy." Kasey looked from Dylan to me. She didn't want to know the gender. She wanted it to be a surprise when the baby was born. So she's just now finding out the gender.

"What's his name?" I asked. "Greyson Michael Hartman." She smiled, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead. "That's cute." I said. Dylan passed the baby to me. "Hey little man." I kissed his little button nose. "I'm your aunt Katie." I smiled. "Ight bro, congrats. Sorry we couldn't stay longer but we need to get going." Payton said to Dylan. They did there little hand shake and Payton made his way to the door. I frowned at the through of leaving my friend and her new baby but I could tell Payton was tired of being here. "I'll call you later." I slowly reached down and placed Greyson in Kasey's arms. She nodded.

"Why do you wanna leave?" I asked, following Payton down the Halls of the hospital. "I just don't wanna spend my day in a hospital with a baby and nurses running in and out. "Oh yeah I understand that." We walked out of the building and entered his car. "Ugh." I groaned, fiddling with the seatbelt. "What?" Payton cut his yes from the road to me, then back at the road. "This seatbelt is so fucking tight around my bump, it hurts." I unbuckled the seatbelt. "I don't know what to tell you." He turned the steering wheel to the left. "I'm not wearing it." I crossed my arms. "Kaitlyn you have to." He said. "Says who?" I pouted. "Uh, the law." He chuckled. "Pff." I scoffed.


Payton pulled into the driveway of my house. "Home sweet home." I took in a breath of air as I burst through the door. "Hey look." Payton said grabbing a magazine from the table. There was an ad for a two bedroom apartment in Los Angeles. "What do you think." He turned the paper book around to show me. "Yea, it looks nice." I nodded. "We should get it." He said. "What?" I choked on my juice.  "We can't just stay with out parents when Magical gets here. They're not gonna wanna put up with a screaming baby. We need to prove to them we are mature enough for our own life." Payton explained. "Boi youre growing up real quick on me." I joked. "I'm being serious." He sat down on the arm of the couch. "Oh... I mean Yeah it's a good idea but I don't know if we're ready, Payton. That's a big step." I said. "Well so is getting married." He said. "Yeah, but we're waiting until I'm 18." I sat down. "Kaitlyn, I promise we can do it, we're ready. Just let me prove it to you, please?" He pouted. "Okay, I'll talk to my mom about it." I gave in. He smiled without his teeth and kissed my forehead. "Thank you." He said turning on a movie.

What??! First Payton wants to get married and now we wants to move to LA with her?! Is he hiding from something? What's going on with Payton? We'll find out in chapter 16

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