Chap 2

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"So what about this one?....oooh or maybe this one!"

Mina had been showing the girls a few pictures of dresses she had been planning to get for the upcomming UA festival that the school was planning on hosting. Principal nezu thought it would be a good way to calm the school down after the whole incident with bakugou. The teachers had agreed with this as they too had been feeling riled up after having lost the symbol of peace.

The girls all peeked down at mina's phone as she kept sliding from one picture to the next. Uraraka looked at each one with awe. She had never really had the luxury of ever thinking of buying such beautiful dresses before. She wasn't afraid to admit that she was slightly jealous of her peers but she would never hold any feelings of resentment towards them. She appreciated every good thing that came her way no matter how small that good thing may be.

"Wow mina. They all look amazing, but just where do you plan on buying something like this?"

Yaoyorozu's eyes sparkled with curiosity. It wasn't hard to guess what she was hinting at.

"It's a store I saw at the mall the other day. I was thinking we could all go check it out after school." All the girls beamed at that. Now everyone was only talking about going for a girls day out at the shopping mall.

Uraraka....was not so joyful.
For obvious reasons of course, but still.....

"Uraraka you're comming too right?" All the girls turned to uraraka now. They all stared at her, eagerly awaiting her response as if she were about to respond to a marriage proposal.

"I'm sorry guys I wish I could but I..I umm...I'm kinda busy tonight. You guys can go on without me really."

"Awww.....come on please. It'll be super fun! We can all go for ice cream and look at beautiful dresses! It'll be a blast! If money is a problem then don't worry, I'll be paying for all of us so you have no reason not to come!"
Yaoyorozu is paying for all of them?

There was a slight pause that stuck with silence as they all stared at Yaoyorozu with disbelief spread across each of their faces. Yaoyorozu just stared at them confused. Why'd they keep forgetting just how rich she is?

"Wait Yaoyorozu are you sure!?" Mina slammed her hands on the desk as she awaited Yaoyorozu's answer.

She smiled."Yes why not? After all, I just want to have fun with all my friends. Money is the last thing I want any of you to feel troubled over" she giggled.

she's an angel.

The girls had tears streaming down their faces. Uraraka included. How could anyone be so rich and yet so kind?

"Oh wow really? Hey yaoyorozu we're your friends too aren't we? Mind if we joined in?" Kaminari placed his hand on jiro's shoulder as he pointed at himself with kirishima and sero behind him.

"I'm sorry kaminari but this is going to be a girls only invitation to the mall. Maybe next time okay"

"Awww come on!" The poor boy tried to plead but was only met with an earphone to the face.

"Can it buzz face."

3 seconds later a familiar set of boots could be heard walking into the classroom.

Mr Aizawa!

"You all have 2 seconds to get to your seats before I start expelling-"

And they were all seated in 1.

"Ok, so before I start, I'm sure you're all aware of the upcomming UA festival that the principal plans on having to blow off the tense atmosphere around the school." The students nod their heads. "Well regarding that, the teachers decided that it's mandatory for all students to show up." Aizawa looked over to Bakugou and todoroki as he said this. Those two were probably planning on skipping out on it. The irritated expression on the explosion boy's face only confirmed his little suspicion.

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