Chap 18

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"Bakugou? Hey man you awake?" Kirishima was standing outside of bakugou's door for 5 minutes now endlessly knocking to try and get him to open it up. To say that he was surprised was an understatement. BAKUGOU HAD A FREAKING GIRLFRIEND! AND IT WAS URARAKA. AND HE KNEW ABOUT IT!

"Come on bakugou just open the damn door I need details! Dates, times and places stat! If you don't open the door I'm telling everyone about what I know" Not that he'd actually do it. Bakugou would probably kill him before he ever got the chance but he'd also never actually betray him like that.

"Quit making noise would you? It's only 8. You're gonna wake the entire dorm up. Did you forget it's a weekend?"
Kirishima turned around to see bakugou standing behind him with a protein bar in his hand and a towel around his shoulders.

"Oh yeah. I forgot you like working out on Saturday mornings."
Bakugou simply brushed passed him and made his way to the door. Before he opened it he turned toward Kirishima. "So what exactly did you need so early in the morning?"

Kirishima's neutral expression quickly turned to a more smug one. His hand rising to give a thumbs up. "To congratulate you. Also, I still need details." Bakugou's eyebrow twitched and he was ready to completely ignore Kirishima until another voice spoke up.

"Congratulate him on what exactly?"

Both bakugou and Kirishima stiffened. That all too nosy voice rang in their ears and they felt as if they were just Cought shoplifting.

Kaminari stood there awaiting an answer from either of the two boys before him. Even though everyone thought he was slow on the uptake, as long as he wasn't using his quirk it wouldn't be hard for him to notice that some of his classmates were acting stranger than normal.

"Kaminari? How are you up so early?" Kirishima was indeed surprised and his surprise only grew after he saw the rest of the boys walking up beside him. They were all there still in their pjs except for deku. Bakugou was a bit confused and voiced out just that. "What the hell do all of you want?"

This was anything but normal for class 1A. The boys themselves only ever got up around noon at the latest except for the ever punctual class rep. He normally got up at exactly 8. Bakugou noticed this because he would always see him in the kitchen drinking coffee by the time he was done working out.

The boys all narrowed their eyes. "Come on bakugou we're not stupid okay. We've noticed you acting strange lately and it seems that only Kirishima knows why. We were worried so we decided to ask you about it together." Sero looked a bit betrayed. Bakugou felt very slightly guilty.

"It would seem our companion rivals the darkness when it comes to keeping things hidden." Tokoyami said to no one in particular.

"How exactly am I acting strange?"

Shoji stepped forward. "You apologised to Mrs midnight when she scolded you for raising your voice at midoriya. You never do that."

"You also keep spacing out during class. Mr aizawa called you out on it several times because of that." Iida was the one to point that out.

"Not to mention there's definitely something going on between you and uraraka. You've been staring at her nonstop during class and you also went looking for her at the festival!" Sero stared eagerly at bakugou with anticipating eyes.

Bakugou gave a glance toward Kirishima and saw Kirishima nod his head. He sighed and turned his back towards all of them to open his door.
"Fine. I'll tell you but not a word of it to the teachers or I'll kill you all."

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