Chap 6

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Haunted house!


"Uraraka!! How much longer!?"
"Just give her a few more minutes mina"
"Yeah chill out....the festival isn't going anywhere."
"But still!! She's been in there for half an hour already. Most of UA is already enjoying the awesome rides." She whined.

Class 1A all made an agreement to go to the festival together. 6 of which voted against it, but since majority ruled they had no choice but to attend as a class. Mina was among the majority, but began to regret her decision after having to stand behind Uraraka's dorm room for over 20 minutes. It was still a bit earlier than the time they all agreed to meet to walk together, but the excitement that Mina had been containing was being released with each passing second.

Uraraka had slept in. She too had been containing her excitement. She was unable to find her sleep the previous night because of it, and thus, she had woken up late.

She tried to hurry and get ready as fast as possible. Mina had been hammering her door for the past 20 minutes and she could hear the others talking as well. She quickly grabbed her small backpack and grabbed her dorm room keys. Once she opened the door she was met with a relieved mina.

"Sorry you guys. I kinda slept in" she said as she rubbed the back of her head.
"We figured..."
"Now that you're finally here let's go!"
Mina had grabbed her hand and started running down the hallway. The rest of the girls followed after them. "Mina! Ochako-chan slow down kero!"  Tsu tried to plead, but even Uraraka couldn't stop running. She was just excited as Mina after all.


"Wow! UA really knows how to go all out huh?" Uraraka looked at the festival through the extremely large main gate. It was amazing! She saw all sorts of different rides from where she stood, but the one that managed to peek her interest most was the extremely huge ferris wheel at the centre of it all. She had never ridden one before. Not even once. Her heart longed for it more than anything. The way it brought you up so high but at such a calming pace. It would almost be like her quirk but this was on another planet compared to that. She felt weightless just looking at it.

Bakugou stole a glance her way. She'd probably live her entire life in regret if she didn't get to try the damn ferris wheel. How stupid. He didn't understand what was so amusing about the theme park. The only thing he actually enjoyed was winning the games and setting the game stalls out of business, but that was only when he was younger. Now that he was older he came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time and money, but some part of him, deep within his being, he felt excited as well. His classmates must be rubbing off on him.

"Hey you listening man?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah.....let's get going already"

They all walked together in a group. Everyone discussing what ride they should try out first. Uraraka kept staring at the giant ferris wheel. She didn't want to bring it up because she believed that the experience would be ten times better at night when there are fireworks being displayed. It would only compare to nothing less than a dream.

"Hey roundface, stop staring off into space like that or you'll trip." Uraraka snapped out of her thoughts.
"What? You haven't been on a ferris wheel before?" He asked.
Although he was quite seemingly aware of her financial situation, he expected her to have at least had the experience once before. The experience of riding a ferris wheel. His idea of that possibility quickly crumbled as he watched her shake her head. Her lips parted and she tried to speak up but not a squeak was heard. She felt embarrassed about it. In all truth, this was the first time she had ever been to a proper amuswment park. It was just like all the stories she had heard if not better. The atmosphere was so exciting.

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