Chap 9

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Uraraka's magical moment was definately not what she had expected it to be, and with bakugou nonetheless. It was so perfect. Too perfect. She was so happy. It was way more better than what she could ever have hoped for.

Her mind was completely free. Nothing bothered her in that moment. All her troubles were forgotten and she secretly hoped that time would just slow down forever.


Bakugou stepped out of the cart first and uraraka hesitantly followed. The moment her feet touched the ground, the realisation of what she had just experienced dawned on her. She looked up at the giant ferris wheel and then looked at the boy responsible for all of these emotions she kept on feeling.

He was walking toward a nearby grassy field near the edge of the theme park. He stopped in his tracks and turned his head to see her quickly running after him.

"Don't fucking get lost"

Uraraka simply stared at him as if she was immune to his foul language. She speeded up ahead of him and stopped in the way of his path forcing him to halt. Her big brown eyes staring intently at his scarlet red hues.


"You saw them right? The fireworks.....that big yellow one too."

Bakugou was confused. Of course he saw them. Every single last one of them. He didn't really see them directly but he saw their colours reflecting off of her round face as she looked out the large window of the ferris wheel. It wasn't his intention but in all honesty, watching her become so mesmerised by what she saw was all too captivating in itself.

"Of course I did. What's your point?"

She gave him a big smile before twirling around and continuing.
"It was so beautiful. It reminded me of your explosions. And did you see how high up we were? I could see the whole theme park!" She jumped around on the grass and threw her hands up to emphasise just how wonderful the ride was.

Bakugou stood still for a moment before letting out a light laugh. Yes, a laugh.
He was so amused with this girl before him it was hard to contain the humour in how silly she was being. She was acting like a three year old.

"This is one of the best nights of my life." She said as she layed herself down on the grass. Her chest rising and falling in attempt to gain whatever oxygen she had lost in trying to express her excitement.

Bakugou sighed and lowered himself to take a seat on the grass beside her. She turned her head and faced him. Her hair fell all over the sides of her face.
"Thank you, Lord explosion murder...."

Bakugou smirked at that.
"Damn straight" He muttered loud enough for her to hear .He turned his head to look at anything but the girl that had managed to occupy his thoughts more than needed. A slight blush accompanying his cheeks.

Bakugou halted his words. The feel of a raindrop hitting his forehead forced him to subconciously glance up at the sky. Uraraka quickly sat up as the cold wind brushed passed the bare skin that her dress had failed to cover for an occasion such as this one.

"It's raining? But that doesn't seem right at all. The weather forecast had clear skies interpreted for the next few days at least."

She was right. It wasn't supposed to rain, but in their situation and within their capability they could not control the weather. If anything, Uraraka was just glad that it only actually started raining after the night was over.

"Come on....we have to head back to the dorms. I'm sure the others will be on their way there as well" Bakugou stood up and held out his hand. She reached for it and slowly got up. It was only a few seconds.....but those few seconds of contact was nothing to sneeze at. It felt as if they had just run a marathon.

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