Chap 4

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Warm feeling


"What are you doing bakugou?"

"I don't wanna hear it pink cheeks."

Uraraka looked up at the boy who was plainly staring off into the distance. Her heart was beating a bit more faster. Probably because she was running. Right?

"What the hell are you looking at?"

She was staring. At him.

"Nothing." She managed to say calmly. Her gaze drifting downwards toward his hand. It was slightly bruised. Just how hard did bakugou punch him?

Bakugou saw where her gaze had drifted off to. He raised his hand for her to get a better inspection. "The Bastard is a lot tougher than he looks. It's not normal. It was probably his quirk."

She stared at the reddish spot on his knuckles. Worry filled her eyes. "It's just a bruise. Nothing that can't heal" He tried to reassure the girl, not that he cared, but it would be a bother if she tried to make up for it by doing something stupid cause she felt guilty. He clearly didn't want to be bothered by the girl before him.

" should get recovery girl to take a look once we get back"

"That won't do. It's not school related so it doesn't really count, and it's not like I can't handle a little bruise" He started walking off.

"Wait! Where are you going?" She followed behind him. His strides were longer than hers. Of course. He is taller after all. Maybe by around 10 cm? She couldn't tell.

"I wasn't going to stand around the whole day. I got better things to do. You should go find the rest of the extras." There he goes again. Trying to push her away.

"Mr Aizawa said to stick together so I'm afraid you're stuck with me till we get to the others. Besides, you're the one that dragged me away from all of them."

"Tch. Did you want to get into trouble?"
"Why would I?  I'm not the one that punched him"

Damn it. She was right. Just why did he drag her along? Shit. Nothing made sense to him at this point. Roundface probably thinks this is funny.

"This is all deku's fault." Said as if venom had left his tongue.
"Deku? How is it his fault!?"
"I don't know! It just is!"
"That doesn't make any sense!"

There they go again.

"Nothing ever makes sense when it comes to you. Let's just go find those stupid extras."

Just what did he mean by that? Uraraka blindly followed after him. Bakugou was probably one of the most frustrating people she had ever met. His short temper. His violence. His pride. His stubbornness.....but even with all of that, he still had a good side. He was smart, athletic, he was also kind, in his own way. He wouldn't have helped her if he wasn't. And if you see him when he isn't angry, he actually looks really handsome.

"So what made you come to the mall?" She asked trying to start up a conversation.

"Stupid sparky boy dragged me here. He wanted his own day out after you guys turned him down. Shitty hair and tape boy are here too."

"It wouldn't hurt to call them by their names you know. They are your friends after all."

"I call'em how I see'em that's all."

Uraraka was about to say something but halted. A little boy, maybe around 4 was crying his eyes out not too far from them. Where were his parents?

"Hey baku-" she looked to her side only to realise he had already walked away. He was heading toward the little boy. Uraraka quickly followed after him.

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