Chap 15

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I'm not going anywhere


Bakugou was never one to dwell on feelings other than rage. He absolutely hated fear but he knew what it felt like. This however, was something beyond him.

You like her.

Kirishima always had a point to stick in his nose where it didn't belong. Bakugou tossed and turned unable to find comfort within the confines of his bed so he sat up and stared at his hands instead. Just what was he planning on doing now? Should he pursue these emotions or force them to stop before they got out of hand? His face scrunched into an unimpressed scowl and he could feel the heat rising through his entire body. His heart pounding with an uncomfortable rhythm.

He tried to think back to all the events that had led him to his current position. He closed his eyes and for once, he welcomed the thought of Uraraka along with the pang she inflicted in his chest. His mind tracing back to each and every little bit of memory he had of her. Every word she said and everytime she blushed because of him. His heart rate increased with every thought. He hated it, but he needed to try and figure her out. To figure himself out....

I was cheering for you to win you know.

How'd you know which flavor to buy?

I wasn't staring!

Nothing special.....

I'm not letting you go!

I'll keep it...

It's warm.

I hate you!

It might not have been her exact words thing he was able to figure out through it all was that she was a complete mess around him. It wasn't like with deku. With deku she could control herself and everything would be fine. There was no awkwardness. But with him, she never knew what to say or how to say it. The first thing she'd do is turn red and stare at him with her big brown eyes. She looked....out of place, and different. It wasn't like how she'd been with the rest of the class, or how she was at the sports festival. It was more like she was curious. She became someone completely different around him. Completely self conscious and embarrassed because of the smallest of things. Her emotions exploded. Bakugou chuckled at the irony. And there could only be one reason for that.

He ran through it all again just to make sure he wasn't jumping to an irrational conclusion. He needed to be sure. He needed to be sure that this new found revelation was not just because he wanted it to be true, but no matter how many times he tried to think of anything else that could be causing her to act the way she does around him he turns up a blank.

If this was real, he'd need her to admit it. She needs to say it. He had to hear it from her so that he could grasp his own emotions. Even though he had kind of figured her out, it was still difficult for him to decipher his own feelings. After all, this wasn't something he was used to. These emotions were new to him and he didn't know how to handle them properly. Still, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't felt happy.

He got up and walked toward his dorm room door and turned the knob slowly. He decided to run through his analytical thinking one more time before confronting her directly. Knowing her, she'll probably agonize over it forever before saying anything to him. He stepped out and headed for the girl's side of the building.


"I love you, you jerk"

He thought he was ready to hear her say it, but when the words left her mouth, he had already lost all his senses. The thump of his heart got louder and louder and once it got to the point where it felt like it would explode, he snapped back to reality.

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