Chap 7

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Fireworks, Ferris wheel (1)

"Hey round face, would you let go already." He growled. Uraraka quickly snapped her head to where her hand was tightly grabbing bakugou's shirt. She blushed slightly before quickly letting go. "Sorry....I forgot." Bakugou simply replied with a 'tch'.


And there came the fucking cherry on top.


Uraraka could sense the tense atmosphere surrounding the two. She wasn't oblivious to how bad they interacted with each other. They obviously had something to sort out but now was not the time. She grabbed onto bakugou's shirt again to try and get his attention, or rather, to try and distract him from making the decision to blast deku away, which he was fully prepared to do considering he had sparks going off in his palms. He looked at her and noticed the way she was looking at him. It wasn't the first time. Her eyes looked like they were pleading with him. Cheeks didn't want him to fucking blast the nerd into oblivion. With an angry huff he lowered his hands and placed them into his pocket turning his head so that he faced nothing in particular. Uraraka sighed and slowly let go. She made a note to thank him later.

After kirishima and the others came out they all split up since none of them could make a decision. Everyone had their own preference and so they were left with nothing but the option to go take different routes around the theme park. Everyone agreed to meet up at the UA Hall just outside the theme park where the third years will be performing for the formal event at night. For now....they were headed off to enjoy in their own little groups.

Almost everyone.

Bakugou snarled at the most ridiculous game choice kirishima picked out. The damn thing was definately a roose. With only 2 tries to knock the damn plastic bottle off the stick. Kirishima had managed to lose 400 yen trying to hit the damn thing with the stupid pebbles the old man gave him. He lied defeated on the ground with tears in his eyes. 400 yen. Pissed away.

"But it looked so easy!!!" He complained

"I'd expect buzz face to pick such a shitty game but you?"

Kaminari was offended "Not cool bakugou.....but you do have a point. I however managed to score two gold fish with just 200 yen!" He said as he proudly held up his two see-through plastic bags in the air, each hosting a slow swimming golden fish inside.

"You know what I take it back. Only a moron goes for gold fish."

Kaminari pouted at bakugou's statement. Sero started laughing "he's right you know, Everyone knows they just die in the end."

"So unmanly" Kirishima muttered, still faced on the ground, but he slowly began to sit up after they heard someone calling not too far from them.


The boys looked at the approaching figure with slight confusion. Kaminari had hearts in his eyes quick to ask the question they all wanted an answer to. "Hey guys...who's the pretty girl?"
It was a girl with black hair tied in a pony. She had orange coloured eyes and a small boy at her side.
"I dunno you tell me"

Although he didn't fully recognise the girl, Bakugou almost immediately recognised the small boy at her side. His memory replayed the events from the mall a few days back.

"Hey mister." The boy ran over to katsuki. The others looked at bakugou with questioning glares.

"Squirt" Bakugou muttered as he stared at the little boy in front of him.

"Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me from the other day but I'm Izumi's elder sister, my name is Hana..." She said as she pointed at her self. A smile displayed on her face and a light blush accompanying her cheeks. Still wouldn't beat round face's though.

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