Chap 3

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"What the heck are you doing here cheeks!?"

Bakugou was now staring at her with a ferocious look on his face. The usual really. Had he not told her to leave him alone before?

"Oh...sorry bakugou. I was just walking around when I saw you. I didn't want to distract you while you were playing so I didn't say anything. The girls and I thought you were causing trouble but it turns out that you were just yelling at a game screen" she said with her hand rubbing the back of her head.

They thought he was causing trouble? Just what type of person do they think he is? (Really...)

"Shut up round face. Didn't I tell you to go bother someone else?"

Shut up? But he was the one who asked in the first place!

"That's no reason to be rude bakugou. I was cheering for you to win you know."

"No one asked you to. I was going to win from the start. It's an undeniable fact. Don't be stupid."

Uraraka was offended. Just how much more arrogant can he get?

"I knew you were going to win bakugou. You always do. I was just really happy to see it happen. You're really amazing you know that."

Just what could he say to her now? Why is she complimenting him? Could she even hear herself? Round face is weird.

"Whatever pink cheeks. Don't you have friends to hang out with?"

Why the hell was he trying so hard to push her away? She definately wasn't going to give in so easily regardless of his reasons.

"They're around. We split up for a bit."
"Then go find them and leave me alone"
"Why are you trying so hard to push me away bakugou?"
"Why the hell are you trying so hard to annoy me round face!?"

Bakugou had sparkles igniting his palms now. He was starting to get more irritated with her. Just why the hell is she trying so damn hard? It was getting old and real quick.

"I'm not trying to annoy you I just wanna be your friend!"
"I don't need any more friends so just leave me alone already!"

Both of them were glaring at each other. The people around them were staring at the scene before them. Teenagers these days.

Bakugou tried walking away but Uraraka was quick to grab the back of his collar to try and get his attention.

"You little bi-"
"You know what bakugou! It's fine! Just forget I said anything." And she stomped off. She felt slightly sad but what she felt most was frustration. She wasn't going to take his rude attitude to the head. She had thought he was a nice guy because of what he did the other day but it turns out that he probably didn't even care. It was just a passing moment that would soon be forgotten.

She started walking away from him and further into the arcade as he stared at her. Good riddance round face!

. . .

'Stupid bakugou! Why does he have to be so rude? I didn't even do anything to him. I even cheered for him. A guy that has some serious anger issues! A loud mouthed cocky brat that always thinks he's the best. Always thinking he's gonna win. Yeah right! Life ought to teach him that no one is that perfect, not even him. Stupid bakugou! Stupid game! Stupi-'


Uraraka was snapped out of her thoughts the moment she realised she had bumped into someone. Her angered expression changed to one of surprise. She rubbed her forehead and looked up to see who the stranger was. Her heart started pumping blood at a rapid pace and her body released adrenaline.

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