Chap 11

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The second round was over in no time. The students had to show their skills in rescuing civilians while fighting off villains. They had to show the extent to which they cooperated with each other during these events. Most of them passed but those who struggled with communication and team work failed. Examples of such students were Bakugou and Todoroki.

The anger and disappointment that bakugou felt just became a catalyst for all his other emotions to surface. Everything was just piling up and he couldn't do anything about it. Or it least, it felt that way to him. He stared down at izuku with pure resentment behind his gaze. The nerd just seemed to be getting more ahead of him with each passing day. It felt as if the world was rejecting him of sorts. Stupid Deku shouldn't have been able to progress so fast. It was all he could think about. All of his bottled up emotions were just screaming to come out and engulf the world in utter chaos.

So Bakugou did the only thing that made sense to him.....He called Deku out for a fight. It's all he's ever been able to do. Fighting was his way of letting go of everything and just concentrate on winning.

When Deku lost, he felt disappointed. Nothing angered him more than seeing someone as pathetic as Deku get chosen to surpass the person he's admired most and still lose. When All might explained everything, Bakugou had managed to calm down. The anger and guilt didn't completely disappear but it got bakugou thinking. He thought about everything that's happened so far. Deku was wasn't something he could fight. It was something he needed to accept, just like the fact that he wasn't the best. He knew now. There were many talented people. Some even more talented than himself, but he was still going to surpass them all and be number 1. Not even the so called 'chosen one' would beat him.


The fight he had with Deku resulted in 4 days of house arrest for Bakugou. 4 days of the other extras getting ahead of him. He knew he deserved it, and he was actually glad that it was the only punishment he'd be getting. He honestly thought that the fight would have resulted in a more severe retaliation by Aizawa. All Might must have pulled some strings.

It was his the second day of house arrest and Bakugou felt like strangling his stupid classmates. Those morons couldn't stop talking about how much they learned in class that day. It just made him feel even more left behind, and to top it off Aizawa forbid any of them from telling him and Deku about the work they were missing. Was he rubbing it in their faces!?

"Yo bakugou." Kirishima walked up to him with a garbage bag in his hands. Normally Kirishima has a lot of trash but this time it was quite a small portion judging from the size. "Give it here...." bakugou took it from his hands and was ready to leave but Kirishima stopped him.

"The secrets that hide within~" Kirishima looked up at the sealing refusing to look at bakugou. He looked like he was doing a scene from a play or something.


"A friendship's sacrifice. Comrades even under the rules of the admired~"
The moron had fake tears comming out of his eyes now. What on earth was he talking about?

"Listen shitty hair, whatever you wanna say just say it!"

"Such can never be uttered for it would lead to our absolute doom. Ah, the awakening of the sleeping demon we call educator.~ "

And just like that, he was off. Scurrying away as if he had just committed a crime. Bakugou stared dumbfounded at his friend's retreating figure. He decided to just ignore the idiot and proceed with his chores.....


That night was a pretty cold one. Not that bakugou ever had much trouble with the cold. He'd just use his quirk to warm himself up. What bothered him most was his restlessness. He hadn't been able to sleep much and it was starting to take its toll.

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