Chap 12

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Her breathing was calm but restless at the same time. Everytime he'd try to get out of her hold she'd just wrap her arms around him tighter. He could feel her heartbeat from behind him. It was slow. Way more slower than his. Her breath tickled the surface of his back and her hands grabbed fists full of his t shirt as if afraid he'd walk up and leave her again. She was stubborn, he'd give her that. Even when she was asleep she didn't relent.

Bakugou slowly tried turning around and once he had actually managed to do just that, he regretted it almost immediately. With nothing to anchor the sleeping girl she fell directly on him. He had managed to easily catch her in a comfortable position. For her at least. Her breath now tickled his neck. She seemed to be liking whatever it is she was smelling. Bakugou slowly put his one arm under her legs and gently lifted her up as he stood, careful not to wake her. She wasn't heavy at all he noted. He wondered if she was eating okay or if she even got enough sleep. He stared at her for a few seconds and then proceeded up the stairs.

He stopped at the front of her dorm room only now realising he didn't have a key. He looked over at the girl comfortably sleeping in his arms and quickly brushed away the idea of waking her up. He was about to walk towards his own dorm room but then stopped when he saw a shiny glow of silver from the jacket pocket. He reached for the key that was hiding and opened the door to her dorm.

It was dark so he couldn't make out much of what was going on in her room but it wasn't hard for him to find the bed. He gently placed her on it and covered her with a nearby blanket. He was about to walk away but she quickly reached for his arm. Was she awake? He turned his head to see but it looked like she was still asleep. He slowly leaned down and tried to release the hold she had on his hand. He got up and looked at her once more before walking out. "You're too much trouble....." he muttered.


It was around late afternoon and bakugou had finished doing all his chores earlier than he originally thought he would. He had tried his best to avoid uraraka the whole day. Not that he actually managed to spot her. Apparently they all had a fight with one of the third years in class for an extra lesson. He was mad at the fact that he couldn't be there as well but it didn't matter to him because he'd catch up anyway. As for why he was trying to avoid her..... It was........

He didn't know......

And now he had to deal with his Red haired friend.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Bakugou hissed.

"I can't believe you threw it away!"

"Threw what away?"

"The notes I made for you to catch up with class in secret! I gave them to you yesterday!"

So that's what that was.....

"Why the hell were you beating around the bush and why did you put it in a trash bag!?" Bakugou was beyond irritated at this point.

"I didn't wanna give it to you in the open coz you might've gotten in trouble if anyone else saw! I only said those things so you'd get the picture"


"So unmanly~"

Bakugou was in his room sitting on the floor with his math book while Kirishima sluggishly lazed about on his bed. It was his third day of house arrest and midoriya's last. He wasn't very pleased with the fact that deku would be getting ahead of him in class but he accepted it. That fight was mainly because of him so he had no right to complain. On the other hand, Kirishima had tried to give him notes yesterday and he ended up dumping it in the trash bin. His friend was probably beyond upset.

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