Chap 17

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Love me?


It was around 8 pm when uraraka made her way to the common kitchen to get something to eat. She spent the whole day catching up on homework and assignments that she had difficulty with due to her lack of attention in class. Her grades were slipping and she needed to try and stay focused. The irony of the situation was ridiculous.

She opened the fridge and looked for ingredients that would help her make something simple but everything looked more sophisticated and her cooking skills were somewhat laughable. She sighed and closed the door to the fridge making her way to the cupboards hoping to find something a little less intimidating.

"Haven't you eaten yet?"

Uraraka's heart fluttered at the familiar voice. Her cheeks dawning the colour of red and her fists tightening beside her. She turned slightly to see Bakugou making his way to the fridge.

"No not yet. I was looking for something simple to make but all the ingredients in there can only make more complex dishes." She hated to admit her lack of skill in the kitchen but lying about it would only spread the sting.

"Move over. I'll take it from here cheeks." He walked over to the counter with a bunch of stuff in his hands before dropping them all on the provided space. He took a chopping board near the sink and began slicing the tomatoes. It wasn't the first time she was watching him cook but it sure felt like it was. She took a seat on the chair opposite of him and just watched in silence as he made his way up and down from the counter to the pot dropping in all sorts of ingredients.

"Keep dozing off and you'll never learn how to cook. Get over here and start chopping." Uraraka looked at him surprised by his command but got up all the same. He was right, but she felt so content with just sitting there.

"I'm really not good with cooking"

"Yeah no kidding"
uraraka forced an angry pout on her face to keep from making a snide remark.

"Here, you can start with the carrots" he placed a few carrots in front of her. She stared at them for a few moments before sighing and taking up the knife.
'This is no problem!'

She placed the knife onto one of them and forced the knife down with a smooth force successfully splitting it in two. "Hey you have to peel them first!" Uraraka quickly retracted her hand and faced Bakugou. "Peel them?" Bakugou couldn't believe her. He knew her cooking skills were anything but okay but this was another level entirely.

"Yes, round face you have to peel them first. Here bring your hand." Bakugou stepped behind her and took the back of her hand with his own before slowly guiding her on how to perfectly peel a carrot. Uraraka was a bit tense at first but then slowly melted into the warmth his body gave off from behind her. The closeness of his breath to her ear did cause shivers up her spine though. She wondered if this was just him trying to tease her.

After he was satisfied enough to believe that her carrot peeling and cutting skills were at least on the average side, he made it a point to try and finish off the dish quickly because even he was starting to feel hungrier by the second.

Once it was done he placed the hot bowl of soup before uraraka sitting opposite of her digging into his own meal.

"Wow! It's so good!"
Bakugou smirked. "Of course it is" feeling satisfied he then continued to bite into his own food.

Once they were done bakugou washed the dishes and uraraka dried and packed them away. She wasn't sure what to do now. 'Do we just go back up to our rooms?' She wouldn't tell him but she desperately wanted him to stay with her a little bit longer.

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