Chap 16

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The light of morning hit Bakugou as he slowly opened his eyes. The familiar white ceiling stared back at him with ferocious blankness. He sighed before slowly sitting up and stretching his arms above his head before placing them back down beside him. That was the first time he'd gotten a good sleep in a while. It took him a few more moments to register the fact that he was in fact in someone else's room. He's eyes quickly darted towards the sleeping figure on the bed. He's mind recalling the events of the previous day as a light blush rose to his cheeks.

Uraraka was lying peacefully on the bed with a smile plastered on her face. Just what kind of dream was she having anyway? He slowly moved his hand towards her shoulder and called out her name. "Uraraka. Hey, wake up"

Uraraka shifted slightly. Her eyelids flickered open only to reveal the sight of scarlet eyes staring down at her. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her heart rate immediately increasing after fully grasping her situation.


She inched closer to the boy. Her hand rising to his cheek. Bakugou simply sat still in anticipation but was only met with pain when he realised that she had pinched him.

"What the hell!?"

Uraraka giggled. "Sorry but I had to make sure you were real." Bakugou was a bit surprised but that quickly faded away. "I'm real cheeks." He reassured her.

They stayed that way for a few seconds before a knock was heard on the door. Both of them stared at the wooden door with horror on their faces. They stared at each other desperately trying to come up with something. Uraraka then got an idea and quickly whispered it to bakugou.


Outside the door stood Tsu. She waited patiently before knocking a second time. She could hear slight shifting in the room before uraraka yelled for her to come in.

Asui made it a point to observe the room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The only thing that cought her attention was the pillow lying on the floor besides Ochako's bed but she decided to dismiss the thought seeing as it was too minor of a displacement to consider.

She slowly sat herself on the bed beside uraraka.

"What's up?"

Tsu waited a few seconds before answering. "I'm just going to assume that you forgot you were supposed to go with midoriya, Iida and I to the training grounds today. It's already two hours passed the time we were supposed to meet so I was worried and decided to come check on you."

Two hours!? Just how long was she asleep? Aside from that she couldn't believe she had forgotten. No, actually she could believe it with the way bakugou seemed to be occupying her thoughts a lot more lately.

"I'm so sorry Tsu! I completely forgot. I really overslept today and-"

"Ochako-chan it's fine. I already told the boys that you'd join us the next time. You seemed really out of it lately so maybe some extra rest was what you needed."

Uraraka internally laughed. Rest and an angry explosion boy....

"I just thought that since you liked midoriya you'd want to come."

Uraraka's expression changed to one of shock at asui's words. A loud thump could be heard from beneath the bed. "S-sorry. That was the bed. I need to get it.... replaced." She said as she blushed furiously and looked away.

"Your face is all red. You really do like midoriya don't you?" And so another louder thump was heard from beneath her bed. Uraraka's blush increased more now feeling even more awkward "S-sorry haha....u-uhm you have it all wrong Tsu. I like deku but only as a friend."

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