Chap 10

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I'll return this

"So I was thinking we should go out, as a class some time you know..." Kirishima suggested.

"I don't know.....isn't it the same as just having everyone eat in the common space here at the dorms?" Tsu brought her finger up to her chin clearly thinking about the whole idea.

Class and training was over for the day and they were all heading back for the dorms. A shower was well needed. Everyone aside from bakugou had the stench of sweaty teenagers. Bakugou being an exception due to the fact that he smelt like a burnt down candy factory. It wasn't to his liking since he hated sweet things but it was still better than sharing the same smell that these extras had radiating off of them.

Bakugou started walking up the stairs in a more hurried fashion. Kirishima waved off to the rest of his classmates promising to finish the conversation later on. He followed bakugou up the stairs.

"Hey bakugou wait up!"

"What is it kirishima?" Said in an annoyed tone. More annoyed than usual.

"Nothing man. You just seem kinda more grumpier than usual. Is something the matter?." They both slowed down their pace.

"No. Everything's fine." That was obviously a lie but kirishima didn't press on any further.

"Alright man. Just remember I'm here if you ever need to talk." Kirishima then quickly scurried off into his room mumbling something about a real man's shower.

Bakugou would never admit it but he appreciated the red haired idiot. He might have been the only one that Bakugou would ever call his friend. Sparky and tape boy came close but not as close as kirishima. Bakugou had always managed to surround himself with people who'd follow his command but who knows how he ended up calling a bunch of morons his friends here at UA. And then uraraka popped up in his head. He didn't really consider her a friend but he knew they were close. In what way exactly, he wasn't sure. But calling her his friend just didn't seem right.

He entered his room and went straight for the shower hoping to clear himself of any sweet stench he might have on him.

Once he was done he got dressed and began working on the homework he got that day. The stupid English part always messed him up which was why he'd always end up second to Yaoyorozu. The girl wasn't much in combat but she was smart.

Before bakugou could even put his pencil to paper he heard someone knocking on his door. He was obligated not to answer until he heard a familiar voice.

"Bakugou? It's me uraraka....could you open up"

He really didn't feel like getting up. His head repeated the incident in the classroom earlier on. The way she defended deku pissed him off.

"I came to give you back your jacket and also about earlier.....I know you had my interest in mind. Thank you, but you don't have to worry because I really enjoyed myself. And sorry for causing you trouble. You went out of your way to look for me and take me on the ferris wheel. I shouldn't have run away like that. It was immature of me-"

She stopped talking at the sound of the door being unnecessarily forcefully opened. Her eyes darting toward his as he stared down at her. Her cheeks immediately flushing at their close proximity.

Bakugou sighed before reaching to grab his jacket from her hand. Uraraka held the other end tightly. "I wasn't done apologising!"

"You don't need to fucking apologise!" He hissed.

Uraraka was startled. "I know but-"

He cut her off.
"Listen the only reason I was going to get on the stupid ferris wheel with that girl was so that we could get a better look at the theme park so it was easier to look for that runt that keeps getting lost."

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