chap 13

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Not what you think

Why did it have to be katsuki Bakugou of all the elite men in the world? Surely this must be some kind of joke the universe was playing on her. Her heart was definitely falling for its ludicrous tricks should that be the actual case. What she saw in him was a complete mystery. He never really gave off a welcoming first impression and even after that he was still egotistical in every way. It's just that, recently he's been acting more.....gentle. It was drawing her in. Did he act like that only around her? Or was he always like this and she just didn't notice because she only payed attention to deku? Probably the latter.

It wasn't just that she liked him now. She cared for him. Her heart ached when she saw a glint of sadness behind his eyes. She wasn't just crushing on him. She was.......

"Uraraka are you listening?" Deku asked. They had been walking to the school together from the dorms. Uraraka nodded with a bit of a daze obviously still thinking about what she originally was. Deku realised this and sighed. "Is there something on your mind Uraraka?" He tapped her shoulder to try and get her out of her deep trance. "You seem to be spacing out a lot lately". Uraraka turned her head to face him. Analysing the pace of her heart as she did.

It's not beating fast anymore.....

"Ah sorry. I'm just thinking about some stuff. It's no big deal."

"If you want to talk about it......I'm free to listen and help if I can."

"No no it's fine I promise."

Uraraka recalled the day before when she had strangely woken up in her own bed. Did Bakugou carry her to her room? The very thought sent her heart into a frenzy. At first she was upset that he and deku had gotten into a fight but that slowly turned to relief once deku explained to her that it was just what they needed. She decided to leave it at that and just be glad that the two were on better terms with each other.

When they entered the classroom, uraraka's eyes subconsciously looked over at Bakugou's seat relieved to see him present after his house arrest. They were both looking at each other until a certain realisation hit Bakugou causing him to turn away. Uraraka wondered what was on his mind until the same realisation reached her as well. Total embarrassment consumed her as she too turned away.

"I forgot about that!" She recalled the night she had boldly wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep in his presence. There was no doubt he was the one who brought her to her room and the entire idea made her heart feel as though it had legs to run a marathon. She gathered her courage and looked back at him from across the classroom. Their eyes locked and uraraka moved her lips to form a silent 'thank you'. Bakugou understood and responded with a 'you owe me'. She smiled and slowly nodded her head. And even after successfully getting what they wanted to say across, neither of them made it a point to look away.

Bakugou formed a silent 'what?' to try and figure out what she wanted, and uraraka could only respond with a 'nothing' at their never ending staring contest.


It was around 01:30 am and uraraka felt like an idiot in front of the window in the dark common space. It was now her second night out alone hoping he'd show. Of course, the first time could have just been a coincidence but she couldn't help but wish for him to appear.

'What am I doing? I feel so stupid. He's not going to show....and I know this but I still....."

Her eyes started to water and she decided to call it a night.

She used the sleeve of her new favourite skull jacket to wipe away the tears that lingered. She felt weak. If this was how love made her feel then she didn't want it.

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