Chap 8

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Fireworks, Ferris wheel (2)

Uraraka walked around aimlessly. Emptiness consuming her. The fireworks show was going to start soon. Everything closes after that. She so badly wanted to at least try it out once. Just once and she really didn't want to go alone.

She raised her head to look at it once more. It wasn't moving, which meant that people were probably getting on. It gave her this energising feeling. Her feet contemplated on moving as if the ferris wheel was calling her and telling her to just run towards it. Uraraka just shook her head and turned the other way.

'Next time for sure!'
She tried reassuring herself, although she wasn't quite sure when that next time will come.

"Last round for the ferris wheel!" She heard the guy yell. And not too far from her she heard the sound of the first firework being released. She scrunched her eyes tight and tried to think of something else....anything else. And unbeknownst to her, her thoughts jumped straight toward a certain spikey blonde.

"Really? Bakugou? You guys are trators" she mumbled with a soft giggle under her breath referring to her so called traitorous heart and mind. A blush scored itself on her face and only the thought of blonde spikey hair was to blame.

She imagined his angry expression and the tiny little explosions that always occupied his palms. Did it ever hurt him? She wondered how he was able to manage such an intense quirk but it definately fit with his personality.

Another colourful explosion in the sky was released. Now that she thought about it....Bakugou's little explosions are like fireworks themselves if you pay closer attention.

"Miss!?" The sound of a familiar voice snapped her out of her forced trance. She recognised the voice almost immediately.

Uraraka turned her head to see the little boy approaching her. She immediately recognised him. "Izumi? Wow its great to see you! Why are you alone again!?" She had to shout in order for him to hear her because the fireworks were getting too loud.
"I lost my sistaw again!"
Is this like a thing for him?

"Where did you last see her?" She knelt down to his level. "I don't wemember" He looked like he was deep in thought seriously trying his best to remember where he last saw her. Uraraka then came up with the greatest idea in the world.

"Izumi I have an idea! Come on." She stood up and took his hand. This is a win win. Izumi wasn't exactly what she was hoping for but she was appreciative all the same. Someone to share her moment with.

Her feet took leaps and so did the little boy's. The ferris wheel was so close. It was still stuck to a standstill. Just a little more.....

"Izumi we're going onto the ferris wheel. That way we'll be able to see if we can find your sister from high up" she smiled
Izumi gave a loud "Yeah!" In response.
The two stood in line. They were really lucky because almost the whole of UA was busy watching the seniors so there weren't as many people to occupy the rides. The ferris wheel itself was fairly large for more people to go on at once.

The fireworks were pretty loud. Soon she'd see them from high up in the ferris wheel.....

Uraraka then turned her attention to izumi who was pointing at something from just a few spaces up the line. She followed his direction...

Something she'll never be able to find out is why her heart dropped when she saw bakugou and Izumi's sister walk onto one of the ferris wheel's carts. Her excitement flipped and all she could feel was an emotion she never wanted to feel again.

She once again knelt down to his level and told him to quickly run to the front to tell his sister he was fine. After that she turned around and started running in the opposite direction.

A Firework's Emotion (Kacchako Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now