Chapter 5

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I strolled out of the bathroom having just finished taking a shower. As I made my way over to my bed, I tried drying my hair with a towel as best as I could. I grabbed my phone from the dresser, scanning over the text message from Isa.

Isa: Let's hang out today. It's one of those days for me.

I immediately understood what she was referring to. Poor Isa. Her mom probably wasn't doing too well. I typed a reply quickly.

Me: No problem. Do you want to meet up at seven?

Isa: That would be great. Meet me at Benji's.

Me: Sure

I placed my phone back on the dresser and something or more accurately someone caught my eyes.

I thought Jayce left. He was sitting on the rooftop just outside my window. I poked my head out the window, watching him play with something between his fingers. I stepped out onto the roof, sitting beside him. "What is it?" He quickly shoved it into his pocket, his jaws clenching.

"It's nothing." He said, his voice monotone. I looked at him carefully as his eyes scanned the neighbourhood. I could tell his mind was far. I didn't push the subject. I knew what it was like to not want people knowing too much about you. It almost ruined Carmen. It was a mistake she made and a fault that she blamed on me. However, I wouldn't delve deeply into that. I promised myself not to think about the activities of that day.

A cool breeze brushed against my skin as my hair blew across my face and into my eyes. A few seconds later, my next door neighbour Naomi who lived across the street from me came rushing out of her house with her boyfriend trailing after her. They were in a heated argument. "I told you from day one that would be a problem!"

"Babe, but we've talked about this and we've made a decision!" He yelled back at her and she threw her hands up into the air, a frustrated look taking over her features.

"No, we didn't!"

"Yes we did!" The guy answered, running a hand through his dirty blond hair.

"No we didn't! You've made a suggestion and I said I'll look into it! But you went with the go ahead either way!" Jayce was staring at them, the wheels in his head turning.

"Babe, I'm sorry!"

"No don't be sorry! I'm done!" She said, exasperation in her voice. "I am so done with all of this!" The guy stood there for a while, staring at Naomi. Their lips were moving but I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation. After a while, the guy got into his car and left and Naomi burst into sobs.

"Sometimes I wonder how the world could be so beautiful but the people so ruthless." I said randomly. "People get hurt all the time." Jayce did not reply so I continued. "We get hurt by our friends we thought we had forever. We get hurt by our family we thought would bring us happiness whenever. We even get hurt by ourselves when we make really stupid decisions in life." I knew I was thinking way too deep right now. Those were the thoughts I kept inside. Somehow, it all came out from time to time when Jayce was around.

"It's like disappointment after disappointment." He stated and I nodded. Someone who understood.

"Trust is hard to give someone but they often abuse it." I voiced and he looked at me with a sullen expression.

"Tell me." Was the only thing he said and I shook my head, coming back to reality.

"I'm just babbling. Don't read too much into it." I told him while rubbing my palms against my pyjama bottom.

"No, I'm curious to know what goes on in that little head of yours." He said with a grin that I assumed was to lighten the mood. Sorry but your psychology techniques would not work on me. I wouldn't give in that easily.

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