Chapter 30

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*Three weeks later*

I sipped my coffee awkwardly, trying to avoid any eye contact with the person on the other side of the table. My eyes were colliding with the wall since I got here and boy was I interested in those paintings. I couldn't have found anything more fascinating than those paintings.

"Once you sign the papers in front of you the divorce will be final." Jason told my mom who was sitting next to me with a blank face. We were in Jason's company office having the well overdue talk.

My mom's eyes found the papers. "Wow, such a speedy process." I commented with fake enthusiasm. "At least your name came in good for something." I honestly couldn't deal with months long divorce settlement. I wanted little to do with Jason Adams at the moment and so did mom. Over the past three weeks, she had been doing great. Her head was healing pretty well and she was happier than usual. With aunt Jackie around, there was never a dull moment. We spent more time together too. Our relationship was healing everyday.

Jason cleared his throat, ignoring my comment. Mom scanned the papers, her eyes narrowing a little. "So the house remains to you and also the bank account as discussed in court last week." He informed us and I sulked. "I know you don't want anything from me Lenna but that's how it is."

"I like how you really get me in all of this." I mentioned, nodding appreciatively. "I don't even need to tell him how I feel." I told mom with a shrug. "I wish you got me like that a few years ago." I was throwing everything in his face and I could tell he himself was trying to keep his cool and not make an argument out of this.

"I know what I did was wrong." Jason stated, his eyes finding mom's. She immediately looked away, her face hard. "I did wrong on both of you and I don't expect forgiveness anytime soon."

"Well I'm glad that if it's one thing you know is that." I pointed out and he sent an apologetic look my way. I pretended I didn't see his pity look.

"I just hope everything goes well with you guys." I cut him off again.

I snorted. "Like you care. You never cared before so why would you care now? Liam almost died and you didn't care. Mom almost died and you didn't care. And I'm supposed to believe that after you sign a divorce paper that you'll suddenly start caring?" He was looking at me with the same unaffected expression. He was acting as though he cared but he obviously didn't. The facade was dropping with every lie he spewed.

"I do care for you guys. I really do." The shocked expression never left my face. It amazed me how much Jason pretended. "And I'm sorry everything played out like this. It's because I care for you guys that I couldn't tell you that I wanted to move on." That he was cheating. That's basically what he had to say but you knew Jason Adams. Always keeping it classy. "Again, I'm sorry for hurting you guys." I remained silent and so did mom. I didn't know if he expected a response from either one of us but he didn't get one.

Mom was being really quiet during all of this. Well until now. "The level of disappointment right now I'm getting from you is through the roof. You betrayed me. Your wife. And your daughter." She looked unemotional as she stared dead into his eyes. "I don't know what I did wrong as a wife. But I know I tried my very best to make you happy." I felt this. It made me sad to see mom like this. "I don't know what I could do that was so wrong that you had to go out there and abandon your entire family." All other emotions were a mask on Jason's face today except this one. This one had shame written all over it.

"But I refuse to think I was entirely the problem in this marriage. I didn't see this coming because I love you and thought you respected me as a person but I was wrong. Just know that this doesn't break me anymore. It doesn't tear me down like it did before. I have a daughter that's always by my side. A daughter you neglected and for that you upset me. I would not let you hurt me or her anymore. There's no room for such disappointment in our lives." She signed the papers with a smile on her face. "Have a nice life." She slid the paper towards him then pushed her chair back to stand. "Because we'll be doing the same. Without you." Go mom.

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