Chapter 9

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I woke up to my mom shaking me awake. "Lenna? Lenna, honey. I'm home." I blinked rapidly as my eyes tried adjusting to the lights.


"Honey, I'm so glad you're okay. I drove over here as fast as I could when I saw the storm picked up." Her worried eyes assessed mine.

I sat up slowly. "You drove all the way over here in a storm to get to me?" I asked and tears formed in her eyes as she nodded.

"I know how you feel about storms ever since that day. I want to be here for you." I looked away, tears forming in my eyes. I had been such a jerk to my mom lately and to see how quickly she got over here to care for me made me feel guilty. Even though I said the most hurtful things to her, she still cared for me.

"Thank you, mom." I hugged her tightly. "For coming." I then added. I slept in her room that night. She refused to let me sleep in my room all by myself and I wasn't complaining.


I yawned as I opened the door to my bedroom. I just left my mother's room and was going to take a shower before going down for breakfast. The sun was shining brightly this morning as if a storm never came yesterday. A few trees were laying around and it was still a bit damp outside from the amount of rain that fell. I made my way towards the kitchen in a drowsy state. I was so tired. Laughter erupted in the kitchen and my brows furrowed. Why did that sound like... "What's going on here?" My eyes were wide as I took in the scene.

"Jayce came to visit earlier but you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you." She explained and Jayce nodded, shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth. Syrup dripped down his mouth and I rolled my eyes. Why did that look so adorable and surprisingly sensual? I wanted to go over there and lick the syrup off his lips.

What the hell was I thinking?

"This is delicious, Mrs. Adams." Jayce complimented my mom and she blushed. Ew.

"And you felt that you should invite him in for breakfast?" I ignored Jayce, waiting for my mom to answer.

"It's the polite thing to do and he's your friend."

"Yeah. I'm your friend." Jayce chorused and I shut my eyes. I opened them, giving them a huge smile.

"Great." I pulled the stool closer to the island then sat.

"Oh Jayce, would you like some more?" Mom asked, motioning towards the plate of stacked pancakes.

"Yes, please." He answered with a grin. My nose scrunched up. "This really is good."

"Thank you, Jayce. Lenna never bothers to tell me." My mom said then her eyes widened as if she now realised what she said. She probably thought she ruined my mood by saying that.

"That's not true. I tell you this all the time." I smiled and she jutted her chin out with a smile.

"Give me one time you said, 'Mom, your cooking is delicious'."

I snorted. "Pft. I said that...I mean..." I got nothing. Jayce raised an eyebrow with a grin. "Whatever. I must've said it at some point. I just can't recall."

My mom chuckled, shaking her head. "She never says it." She whispered to Jayce with a cheerful grin and I smiled at how happy she looked in that moment. Maybe Jayce was right. I needed to think about my mom's feelings more often. I liked seeing her smile like this.

She dived into conversation with Jayce and I sat there staring at them. I didn't actually know what they were talking about because I was lost in thought but I saw the way her eyes scrunched up at the sides or the way she would laugh at something Jayce said. "Mom?" I said out of the blue. She turned to me. I hesitated for a while and she waited for me to speak. "Your cooking is really good." I told her and she beamed. Her eyes began to water and I squirmed in my seat. Please don't cry. It made me uncomfortable.

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