Chapter 32

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I groaned for the umpth time, my eyes barely open. Isa, Keeva and I were at her house having some girl time and I haven't felt more miserable. I wasn't drunk because this was my first bottle but the misery. The misery knocked me down a peg or two.

Caspien never showed up earlier this morning, neither did I heard from him. I knew he was leaving today and I knew last night was our last goodbye but the realisation was sinking in. He wasn't going back to The Society for a week to give them a progress report. He wasn't taking care of something and I would see him tomorrow. He just wasn't ever going to be here again.

"She doesn't look too good, does she?" Isa said and Keeva nodded as they looked at me carefully. I was sitting on the fluffy carpet with my head resting on the small glass coffee table. My head rested on my arm as I sulked. "Do you think it's her dad again?" Isa asked yet again and I glared at her.

"I'm right here guys." I murmured. "No, it's not daddy issues." Isa scratched her head, looking away. Silence washed over the room and it honestly made me feel worse. "Jayce is leaving today." I said out of the blue. Keeva and Isa glanced at each other. I didn't know why I said it. I guess I just wanted to say it out loud.

"To Italy, right?" Keeva asked and I nodded. "That's why you're in such a drear? Girl-" Isa quickly shook her head at Keeva and she paused.

"He hasn't even left town yet and I'm already missing him." I told them honestly.

"You'll get over it." Keeva said with a shrug. That was what Caspien said.

"Did you tell him?" Isa asked and I looked up at her, confused. Tell him? She bit her lip while thinking.

"Tell him what?"

"That you have feelings for him." My heart dropped. I looked away from them because Keeva was giving me this surprised look and Isa's eyes were basically boring into mine. Was it that obvious that I developed some kind of thing for Caspien?

"It doesn't matter now." I rested my head on my arm again. "He's leaving for Italy and I don't think he feels the same."

"Lenna, you can't assume that he doesn't feel the same. You don't know that." Isa was the one doing all the talking while Keeva stared at the floor. "You either tell him before he leaves and see where it takes you or lose something that can possibly happen." Isa was right, wasn't she? "I don't know when or how this happened but I support you. He isn't all that bad." She threw at Keeva with a small smile.

I stood as a sudden boost of confidence came my way. Isa was completely right. Caspien never said it out loud but something was there. Between us. Or I hoped.

I took my sweater, throwing it over my head. "You're right." I snatched my phone off the coffee table. I moved towards the door then stopped when Keeva called out to me.

"Lenna?" I turned to look at her. "Good luck." I nodded before leaving. Caspien told me he was supposed to be picked up around Gredmonds street at six. It was five forty five so I had a little time.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.


"Milenna, I told you not to come." He grasped my hands as he pulled me into an alleyway.

"I wanted to see you off." I told him, raking over his face.

"We're not supposed to tell our charges when we're leaving to avoid further attachments. I only told you because I couldn't leave without saying goodbye." My eyes filled with water.

"I can't let you go now." I rushed out as I took hold of his wrist. He searched my eyes as a small smile grazed his lips. A second after his jaws clenched and his smile disappeared. He pulled his hand away from mine.

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