Chapter 12

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I dreamt about him.

It was one of those sweet dreams that left a lingering effect on you when you're awake. The ones that made you wish you could sleep forever.

Caspien had that effect on me after kissing me last night. He did it as a minor, playful joke but my mind wouldn't listen. It was making me feel a type of way that I knew I shouldn't. Especially towards Caspien.

"Should I call the doctor?" I heard my mom say, her face close to mine as she inspected me. "Honey, you're acting really weird." I now knew what she was referring to because my cheeks were beginning to cramp from smiling for so long. I was in dreamland this morning and was generally in a really good mood. I bet no one could guess the reason for that. I played with my food as I continued staring at nothing in particular, a smile etched onto my face.

My mom pressed a hand to my forehead then one on her own forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever." I giggled at her and her eyes widened in fear. She slapped my hand and I snapped out of it. "You look insane! Stop making that face."

"Ouch." I rubbed my arm as she studied me. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I assured her, taking a spoonful of cereal. I needed to stop thinking about last night's kiss. It would bring me no good to think about Caspien in that way. Caspien was off limits. I couldn't get close to him for obvious reasons. That reason being his mission to help me then go his separate way.

A notification popped up on my phone and I quickly read it.

Isa: Mom's in the hospital. She doesn't look too good.

Oh no, Isa.

Me: I'm on my way.

Isa was probably freaking out. I immediately rose from the table, grabbing my phone. "Mom, I'm going out for a bit." I announced before running towards the door. At the same time I exited the front door, Keeva pulled up at the front of my house. No words was exchanged as I hurried into the car. The entire ride to the hospital was silent.

As soon as we entered the sliding doors of the hospital, we saw Isa on one of those side benches in the hallway. We quickly made our way to her. She jumped from the benches, pulling us into a big hug. Tears stained her cheek and her eyes were puffy and red.

"Isa love, we're here now." Keeva cooed and I nodded. Isa was holding on to us so tight in that moment.

"It's really bad this time." She cried into my shirt and I patted her back soothingly. "It's really bad." Her voice was hoarse from all the crying she more than likely had done before this. The nurses were passing her sympathetic looks as they went about their jobs.

After an entire fifteen minutes of crying, Isa asked us to do two things for her. We were happy to help. Isa definitely wasn't in good condition right now and it was best she rested herself which was what she was currently doing. She had fallen asleep three minutes ago.

"So I'll go buy some food nearby for us and you'll call the family to inform them?" Keeva asked and I nodded. We then parted ways. Keeva went out to get food and I remained in the hospital. I moved a few feet away from Isa down the hall then first called her aunt. It took a while for her to pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Is this Ms. Ada Black?" There was a pause then an answer.

"This is Ada. Who is this?" I took a deep breath before explaining to her the situation. I had no idea what to say in that moment. Certain news weren't the easiest to break.

"This is Lenna. Isa's friend. I'm calling to inform you that Ms. Black has been admitted to the hospital earlier." She cursed under her breath.

"Is she okay?" She seemed worried. Who wouldn't be after hearing this. Your dad. I shook my head, pushing that thought away.

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