Chapter 16

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Was Asha lying about Keeva keeping things from me for years? That question plagued my mind the entire night. I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe she was bluffing. Keeva would never and even if she did, it was probably for a good reason.

I got out of bed and moved towards the bathroom to get my teeth brushed and a warm shower. Maybe after this I would feel better. Hopefully, it would wash away the doubt.

I walked into the kitchen and immediately started looking for mom. Where was she? Oh, there. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at the wall opposite of her. Was she okay? "Mom?" Nothing. Her eyes never wandered over to mine. She looked as though her physical body was here but her spiritual self was elsewhere. She looked faraway. "Mom?" Still nothing. I sat on the sofa beside her, waving my hand in front her face. She was completely out of it. "Mom." I smacked her on the arm and she finally blinked and slowly turned towards me.

"Hmm?" She slowly rubbed the spot on her arm where I just hit her and my brows furrowed at how odd she was behaving.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she smiled.

"Why wouldn't I be?" The smile faltered and I was now worried. This thing with dad was taking a toll on her. It was evident in her weak smile. In her tired eyes. Her sullen aura. I was sure she had a wrinkle or two as well.

"You were spacing out." I pointed out and she made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"I was just having a moment of critical thinking." I frowned, standing.

"Then maybe you should do less of that." I suggested. "It's not good for your mental state." It was her turn to frown. "I'll be in my room if you need anything." She nodded and I headed for the stairs. Before ascending the stairs, I looked back at her. She was spacing out again.

I made my way up the stairs, throwing my hair up into a ponytail as I went. I heard something crashing to the floor in my room and I quickly pushed the door open, grabbing the umbrella behind the door.

Caspien stood frozen in place with a chair in his hand and a couple of my stuff that was supposed to be on my table on the floor. "Oh. It's you." I breathed out, returning the umbrella to its place at the back of the door.

"Forever with the umbrella, huh?" He commented with a smile and I ignored him. "I'll clean this up."

"Of course, you will. You don't have a choice. You thought I would clean it up?" I pulled out a book from my bookcase, staring at the back cover summary.

"You're not the warmest today." He said quietly and I removed my gaze from the back of the book.

"Can we get on with this?" Caspien stared at me before sighing as if tired himself.

"I guess so but I didn't make a list or whatever, like you suggested."

"Oh, don't worry." I cooed, 'happily'. "I made one myself." I handed it over to him and he scanned it briefly. His eyes narrowed at the paper. Always be prepared right?

"These questions aren't really going to help you much. I mean, they're all questions I know the answers to. Plus they have no relevance to helping you." He explained and I glared at him. He was really getting on my nerves. I took a Twizzlers from a jar on my table, chewing on the end.

"If you know so much about me, why are you here?" He ignored me, reading the first question out loud.

"Favourite colour? That would be blue or violet." He said, making circles around my bedroom as his entire focus remained on the paper before him. "Favourite movie? There's a ridiculously large number of those so you can't exactly narrow it down to one. Favourite book? Red Queen series. Typical drink flavour? Anything orange. Favourite fruit? Apples." I was impressed. He wasn't thinking at all about the answers. It was like it came naturally.

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