the one where he has to 'kiss it better'

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Felix took another sip of his energy drink, but choked on it when Changbin started tickling him. He screamed and tried to get away from the older boy, but he was holding Felix's waist and lifting him off the ground. He squealed again as he thrashed around, trying to escape Changbin's hold. Changbin seemed mostly unbothered as Felix behaved like a panicky fish, he simply held on tighter and carried him up to his room. The younger boy just continued flailing his arms, but immediately stilled when he accidentally punched Changbin. He squeaked as he began to frantically apologise, unsure of what else to do.

Being the devious boy he was, Changbin began to wail excessively to increase Felix's worry. The pair was now sitting on the floor, Changbin leaning his back on the soft carpet as Felix sat next to him.

"Aw, baby," Felix cooed, "Do you want me to kiss it better since you're acting like a child?"

"Great," Changbin grumbled, "First my mom and now you? I'm not a baby, I'm dark and mysterious!"

Felix smirked. "You sleep with a stuffed animal."

Annoyed, Changbin rolled across the floor as he kept whining about how it 'hurt'.

"My offer still stands," Felix announced. Changbin stopped groaning in 'pain' and beckoned Felix to come over to where he was laying. "Where did I hit you? I forgot."

"You hit me several times, you barbarian."

"Just tell me where I need to 'kiss it better' so we can move on with our day," the younger said.

Changbin pointed to his forehead, and Felix gently kissed the spot. He then pointed to his cheek, and once more Felix kissed him. Changbin tapped Felix's nose and then his own. The Australian boy slowly leaned down, resting his forehead against Changbin's after he placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. Changbin smirked as he had an idea.

He told Felix there was only one more spot where he had been hit. He pointed to his lips. A furious blush painted Felix's face as he quietly moved closer, leaning down toward his best friend. His heart continued to speed up the closer he got, until he just brushed his lips against Changbin's.

"I swear if you kiss him one more time, I will throw up on your bed and tell mom," a voice interrupted.

Felix jumped back in surprise, hitting his head against his bookshelf. "What the hell, Cassie?! How long have you been standing there? You should've knocked. Why would you—"

She cut him off again. "Felix, shut up. I've only been here for like... 30 seconds, but I saw way too much. And don't even try to explain that 'I am just being a good friend after punching my precious Binnie,'" she mocked his voice and then continued her speech. "I'm thirteen, and even I can see what's going on here. You guys are gross. Get a room."

"This is my room!" Felix lamented, "Why are you even here in the first place?"

"Mom's not here, so I need you to drive me to Yeji's house. Changbin, you should come, too. I know you guys are friends with her brother. Oh, and if you don't take me, I'm telling mom that I caught you two making out and now I need therapy."

Felix shrieked. "That didn't happen! Just... give me ten minutes and I'll take you to see Yeji."

Cassie squealed with excitement as she ran down the hall to her room so she could call Yeji. Changbin cleared his throat to get Felix's attention.

"Hey," he said, "I just wanna say thank you. I know it's a lot, but I really appreciate you listening and talking to me this morning. You're a good friend, Lix."

Felix beamed. "I know it's rough, and I know it can be really really difficult at some points, but all you need is one person who loves you, like I had you and my mom. I was surprised, honestly," he recalled, "When my dad was drunk and saying that he was ashamed that his son was a fag, his daughter was average at best, and his wife 'condoned my behaviour', my mom defended me. She said she didn't care if I'm gay because I'm her son no matter what. My dad got up and ran at her, but I stepped in between them."

"Why?" Changbin whispered.

"She'd protected me so much, and it was time I did the same for her. And it isn't even that bad; all I got was this scar." He showed Changbin the jagged red mark set into his left forearm. "Then mom clocked him with a pan, we called the cops, and the rest is history."

Changbin hugged Felix as he let out a sigh of relief, remembering when that happened.


"What's up, Lixie?"

"You said your dad found out something about you that made him angry. What was it?"

Changbin quietly kissed the top of Felix's head as he whispered, "I'll tell you... someday."

a/n: in chapter 9(?) i mentioned that i was really happy because of the '6 or 7 people who read every chapter' and now i have more than 400 reads and this story is at #3 in the seungjin tag.
i never expected this but i'm absolutely thrilled. thank you for reading

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