the one where they go rollerskating

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As they walked into the dimly lit building, Changbin looked around in awe. "This is so cool," he said to himself, "Why didn't I know about this place?"

"Hold on," Felix said, "You've never been rollerskating before?!" Changbin shook his head. "Ok, Binnie. We're gonna grab skates and then you're gonna have the time of your life!" Changbin put on his skates first, and Felix helped him stand.

"I'm nervous," Changbin admitted, "What if I mess up or something?"

"You will," Felix told him, "But that's normal. Oh my god. Baby, with the skates on you're so tall!" He laughed as Changbin tried to playfully punch his arm, but instead grabbed the edge of a table so he could stay standing. Felix strapped on his own skates and carefully led Changbin out toward the rink.

The wheels of their skates occasionally got caught in the old, torn carpet, causing them to trip or stumble, but they always laughed it off. Eventually, they reached the rink and stepped down into it, Felix first, who then helped his best friend.

"Okay," Felix said, "Don't try to take steps. You have to glide across the ground. Holding your arms out at your sides a bit can help with balance." Changbin held both arms straight out. "No, Binnie, don't t-pose, just give yourself a little balancing help. You need it." Felix held Changbin's hand as Changbin held the wall that lined the rink. A few other people were there, and they zoomed past the pair who were lost in their own little world. All they could focus on was each other's presence and the joy it brought. Suddenly the flashing lights stilled and dimmed, and a voice came over the loudspeaker. It was the DJ making an announcement.

"Okay, everyone," he hollered, "This next song is a slow one, so grab a partner— or just go solo mode, and let's do the slow song skate." Couples shuffled out onto the floor, holding hands or even dancing as they travelled in circles around the rink. Changbin tripped, and as he fell he took Felix down with him. He landed on top of the younger boy, and they both just laughed. They didn't try to get up, they just laid there on the floor giggling for several minutes.

"To the giggling guys on the floor," the DJ said over the speakers, "It's great that you guys are happy, but please get up; you're a tripping hazard." Both boys laughed even harder as they tried to stand up. Once they'd managed to do so, they realised that the slow song skate had ended, the loud music was blaring again, and all of the lights were off except for the usual colourful strobe lights.

Changbin had an idea.

He gently pushed Felix backwards toward the short tile wall separating the rink from the lobby. Felix glided backwards on his skates until he gently bumped the wall. Changbin hesitantly skated toward him, miraculously remaining upright. As he got close, he stopped himself by putting his hands on the top edge of the wall on either side of Felix, who blushed and looked away. Changbin used the wall to pull himself closer to Felix, keeping one hand on the wall as the other lightly traced Felix's jawline. He shivered at the soft touch, but leaned into it anyway. He loved Changbin's touch. It was always a subtle feeling of electricity as the gentle contact hinted at his intention.

Even now, Changbin was using his effect to impact Felix. His fingertips grazed Felix's neck as they roamed, eventually settling with his hand flat against Felix's chest just above his heart. His heartbeat was steady and quick, but Changbin intended to change that. He moved even closer to Felix and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his forehead. Felix looked completely dumbfounded. No matter how many times it happened, Changbin's kisses always put Felix into some sort of daze, like a cloud of joy swirling around his head and separating him from the world. With a tiny smile, he moved Changbin's arms from his waist and held both of his hands, beckoning the older boy to come skate with him again.

Changbin, of course, tripped almost immediately. He hit the ground at Felix's feet and groaned in pain before coolly saying, "Wow, I guess I really fell for you."

Felix knelt down and cupped the side of his best friend's face with one hand. He pressed a quick kiss to Changbin's lips and whispered, "You're cute" before skating away, trying to hide his blush.

Changbin ignored the pain in his knees from falling and instead let his attention remain on
the warm, fluttery feeling in his chest.

a/n: it's 2:13am and i'm freaking out because 4.87k reads?! and 400+ votes?!

literally 5 days ago i was thanking you guys for 3k reads and now there are almost 5k. i'm so glad people are enjoying this story, and i appreciate all of you.

i love reading through yalls comments. i think they're so cute and they always make me laugh
thanks for everything babes
see yall in the next chapter


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