the one where they get caught

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When they got back to Changbin's house, the older boy didn't hesitate to throw Felix against a wall and return to what they'd been doing before. Changbin traced Felix's jawline with kisses, trailing them up to his cheek and the corner of his mouth.

"Kiss me for real, you prick," Felix panted, "You can't tease me like this." Changbin smirked as he continued to draw another line of kisses down the Australian's neck, settling on one spot where his neck met his shoulder. He let his kiss linger there for a moment before he slowly parted his lips and dragged his tongue along Felix's collarbone. Felix bit his lip to stifle the sounds dying to escape his mouth as he realised Changbin was determined to leave marks. And he did. The deep red and purple spots were already apparent, but Changbin had no intent to stop.

Felix roughly grabbed a handful of Changbin's hair and pulled their faces closer. "I asked you to kiss me for real," he breathed before forcing their lips together again. Both boys were so lost in the intoxicating feeling that they didn't realise someone had arrived home. Mihyun hadn't been feeling well, so Mrs. Seo picked up the twins from school early.

"If I didn't already feel sick," Mihyun whispered to his mother, "I would now. Kissing is icky." Mrs. Seo laughed and kissed her son's forehead. He just groaned and whined, and the sound pulled Felix and Changbin back to reality.

When they looked up, they were met with Mrs. Seo, who had a smug smile on her face. "Changbin!" She beamed. "Hi, baby, you're home early."

"So are you..."

Mrs. Seo sent the twins up to their room to get some rest so they could feel better. "You two," she said, pointing at her son and Felix, "Should've been more careful. I don't know where that whole situation was headed but I'd hope it wouldn't be staying in my dining room. Plus, I gave you guys something important that's still in Changbin's room."

It took Felix a moment to remember what she was referring to, but once he did he cringed.

"Anyway," she said nonchalantly, "I'm going to the store to get some medicine and soup for the little ones. Text me if you need anything, don't wake them up because they need to rest, don't burn the house down, and use protection. Love you boys!" She turned and left, leaving a pair of dumbfounded teenagers.

Without a word, Felix started up the stairs with Changbin close behind him. He entered Changbin's room calmly and leaned against the desk. Changbin arrived only a second later and shut the door behind him, quietly rushing toward Felix. He gripped the edge of the desk on either side of Felix, caging the younger boy in. His eyes darkened as one hand found its way to Felix's waist. "So," he hummed, "Where were we?"

The Australian pulled Changbin into another heated kiss, tangling his fingers in his dark hair. The older boy smiled into the kiss and grabbed Felix's thighs, picking him up. Felix wrapped his legs around Changbin's waist to help keep himself supported. He carried the young blonde boy across the room without breaking the kiss.

Changbin threw Felix onto his bed before approaching him slowly. He climbed on top of the younger boy, straddling his hips as he brushed his fingertips against a few of the marks he'd left on Felix's neck and chest. The touch was feather-light, and Felix shivered at the contact with a small smile. Changbin beamed at the sight before him: Felix's hair was messy, his eyes were half-closed, his face was practically painted with pink, and he had an abundance of marks decorating his skin. Marks that Changbin had left. He felt proud of himself as he admired his work.

"You look so pretty," Changbin breathed, "This is a really good look for you."

"Shut up," Felix sighed, "I know I look like a mess right now."

With a quiet chuckle, Changbin whispered, "Oh, absolutely, but I did that. Can I not admire someone beautiful? You're so lovely, you belong in an art gallery."

"I'm not artwork."

"Hmm," Changbin said with a grin, "You sure do look like it. Especially since I've painted your skin like this. It's really pretty..." Once more he traced the bruises he left on Felix's tan skin.

"Do it again," he demanded quietly as he closed his eyes and his blonde hair fell over his face.

Of course Changbin did as he was told, gladly leaving more reminders to tell the world that Felix was his. He trailed kisses back up Felix's neck until he reached his ear, where he whispered, "You're mine, baby." Felix blushed madly and turned his head quickly to capture Changbin's lips with his own. As the older boy moved to pin Felix's hands above his head, the door swung open.

"You really are terrible at planning ahead," Mrs. Seo laughed, "You seriously can't wait until sometime when you two are home alone?"

"W-we didn't think you'd be home this early today," Felix stammered, "And how are we supposed to know how to plan ahead when this has never happened before? I'm new to this whole thing." He whispered the last part as he hid his face in Changbin's shoulder.

Mrs. Seo gasped. "Wait, really? I thought you two had been doing this sort of thing together since you were thirteen!"

"No," Felix murmured, "Today was the first time he kissed me without it being a joke."

"Lix," Changbin cooed. He looked into Felix's eyes and completely forgot about everything else. "It was never a joke. I promise." While lost in their own little world, neither boy noticed nor minded Changbin's mom taking plenty of photos of their moment.

Mrs. Seo cleared her throat. "Well, I'll let you two collect yourselves and get cleaned up, and then I want to talk to Felix for a moment. Is that okay, honey?" He nodded, so she left.

Changbin stood up and looked down at Felix. His heart fluttered as he noticed the way he was still breathing heavily, his eyes were closed, and his blonde hair had fallen across his forehead. Changbin couldn't help but take a picture of the boy who made his heart skip a beat every time he saw him.

"Come on, angel," Changbin said as he picked Felix up, "My mom wants to talk to you for a bit."

a/n: this aint even that spicy but i'm doing shots of holy water because i am a pure little bean sprout i swear
double update so i can give yall the usual cute fluff in the next chapter because i feel weird leaving the story here

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