the one with confident felix

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let me start by saying THANK YOU FOR 10K READS!! i never expected this book to get so far. i was freaking out only a few weeks ago over 700 reads, and look where we are now :')
to celebrate, this is a special chapter, so please read all the way through

"Wait, what?" Changbin choked out.

"You heard me," Felix said nonchalantly, "You asked how you can distract me from being terrified by that stupid movie, and I told you to kiss me." They both just stood there for a moment as Changbin tried to process Felix's newfound confidence.

"I– um, okay."

"Aww, Binnie," Felix teased, "Are you getting shy?"

Changbin huffed in annoyance. "I'm not shy, you're just really cute and sometimes I forget how to function because of it. But I'm not shy. I'm still the 'confident gay' as Minho would call it."

"So you admit you're gay?"

"No," Changbin chuckled, "I don't just like boys, so I'm not technically gay. I've liked boys, girls, and people who are neither or both. If I like someone, then I like them; I don't care how they identify."

Felix smiled. "Well as far as I know, you currently like this boy," he said, pointing at himself, "So get over here and kiss me." Though his heart was pounding (both because of the scary movie and because of Changbin) he appeared confident, which surprised both boys. Changbin enjoyed it, though.

"If you want to kiss me so bad," he said with a smug smirk, "Then you can come over here and do it. Or we could just go back and finish the movie if you'd prefer." Felix gulped. He hated scary movies. But he liked his best friend's suggestion. Changbin had only been kidding when he urged Felix to take the initiative; it was usually Changbin who started anything, which is why he was so surprised when Felix gently placed the palm of his hand on Changbin's chest. Their eyes met for a moment, and it was like time stopped... at least until Felix took a step forward and shoved Changbin, who stumbled back a few steps and hit the edge of Felix's bed, landing on the soft mattress with a quiet laugh.

He was still incredibly shocked by Felix's behaviour, and could only watch in stunned silence as the younger boy slowly moved closer before settling on Changbin's lap with his knees on either side of his hips. This was a different Felix than Changbin was used to seeing, but he really liked it. He took a breath in, and just as he was about to make a snarky comment, Felix cut him off with a kiss. He responded almost immediately, still stupefied by the Australian's tenacity and bold actions. He tangled his hands in Felix's blonde hair, tugging on it gently. Felix pulled away for a second.

"Hmm," he said, "Is that your way of asking me to pull your hair? I know that's something you like. If you want something, baby, you're gonna have to ask."

Now Changbin was completely dumbfounded. He froze in confusion, but Felix was perfectly unfazed, now gently kissing Changbin's neck and collarbones. He stopped only for a moment when he kissed the spot where Changbin's ear met his jaw and he heard the older boy let out a shaky breath. With a smile, he paid plenty of attention to that spot because he liked the reaction it evoked, using his teeth to tug at the sensitive skin. Changbin sat up, Felix still in his lap, and stared at the boy for a moment. Even in the dim lighting, he couldn't help but stare at his beautiful best friend.

"Okay, angel," he said, his voice just above a whisper, "You've had your fun." He slowly shifted both of them so that Changbin was now straddling the other boy. "It's my turn now." He brought Felix closer for another kiss, but a much more heated one this time. He bit Felix's bottom lip, fighting a smile at the sound it earned. His hands firmly held Felix's hips as Felix roughly pulled on his dark hair.

Suddenly, the door opened, flooding the room with light. In the doorway stood Minho and Jisung. "Dude," Jisung sighed, "Learn to lock your door."

Felix looked around nervously. "What are you doing? Why-why are you in my room?"

"Well," Minho explained, "We were planning on doing what you two are, but I guess we interrupted something, and this room is occupied, so we'll find somewhere else."

"Both of you," Felix growled, "Go back downstairs. You horny bastards aren't doing anything except for hanging out with my sister for her birthday and trying to conduct yourselves like normal human beings for once. Got it?" They nodded and left, snickering quietly.

Changbin laughed, and Felix spun around to face him. "That was uncomfortable. I think I need to nap away the cringe. Are you ready to go to sleep?" Felix nodded. Changbin carried him to the bed, where they fell asleep in each other's arms.

thank you for 10k reads!
to celebrate, i'm gonna do a q&a where you guys can ask questions and i'll post the answers in a few chapters so you guys have some time to comment :)

comment your questions for











Felix and Cassie's Parents

Changbin's Parents

Chaeyoung, Mihyun, and Jiyoung (Changbin's siblings)
but not Chaseul because yall aint met him yet ~ but you will


Cas (aka the author)

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