the one where everyone finds out

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Monday morning, Felix was confused. People were avoiding him as if he were toxic. Even his acquaintances were giving him strange glares, scowls, and rude remarks.

In chemistry, he sat down and stared at his desk, hoping not to draw attention to himself.

Kihyun had other plans.

He snaked an arm around Felix's shoulder, dipping his fingers beneath the collar of the Australian's shirt. "You know," he whispered in Felix's ear, "There's a reason they're all avoiding you. I found a little something last night. An online album with photos of you and your little boy-toy, and I found one thing on it to be really interesting: there's a video of you and Changbin just going at it. He's on your lap with his tongue in your mouth and everything. Shameless and scandalous."

"That doesn't explain why no one will talk to me," Felix seethed.

"Oh, that's because they've all seen the video and now they know what a whore you are," Kihyun said nonchalantly, "Everyone saw you kiss me, and so soon after they've seen you kissing him and they realised that you're pathetic and you'll screw around with just about anyone who'll give you attention."

"Shut the hell up, Kihyun," a voice growled from behind them. They turned and saw Jisung. "If you don't shut your mouth, I'll put my fist in it. Leave Felix alone and we won't have a problem, but if you keep bothering him, I'll beat your ass."

"Aww," Kihyun cooed, "Lix, is this another one of the boys you fool around with? Let me ask you, Jisung, how is he in bed? I'm looking for a new toy, and pretty boy here is the perfect candidate." He grabbed Felix's neck and began to restrict his air flow as he stared Jisung dead in the eyes.

"You're an asshole," Jisung snarled as he leapt forward, swinging at Kihyun. He hit the other boy in the jaw, earning a loud crack. Once he recovered from the initial shock, Kihyun threw a punch at Jisung, knocking him over in the process.

Jisung lay flat on his back on the floor, Kihyun sitting on his hips as he swung again and again at Jisung's face. Jisung fought back, punching anywhere he could get his fist to land and scratching at Kihyun's face and arms. Both boys were bruised and bleeding, but Jisung was fading fast as Kihyun attacked him relentlessly, pressing the palm of his hand against Jisung's neck and watching his face redden. As Jisung felt himself about to drift away from consciousness, Kihyun fell to the side, no longer on top of Jisung. He looked up and saw Felix crying.

He dropped the chair in his hands and wept. Kihyun was conscious, but after kicking him in the head, Felix had hit him in the back with the flat back end of a chair and he couldn't get up.

Mr. Kang finally arrived, thirteen minutes late, and gawked at the scene in front of him. All three boys were sent to see the nurse and then the school's dean. Felix was shaking. He had never been in any sort of physical altercation before, and he was terrified of what punishment he would receive. He ran through every worst case scenario in his head as he sat on the bench outside the dean's office, waiting his turn to talk to the man about that morning's events. Jisung was in there now, and Kihyun was still with the nurse.

Jisung stepped out and smiled at Felix. "Worth it," he proudly stated, "Two weeks suspension and it's going on my permanent record, but I told Mr. Son why I started the fight, and I told him about the shitty stuff Kihyun did to you, so he's definitely getting in more trouble than I am."

"I'm sorry, Sungie," Felix sniffled.

"Don't be. I did what any good friend would've. I chose to fight him, so none of this is your fault. And I doubt you'll get in much trouble, especially since all you really did was stop Kihyun from killing me," Jisung laughed, "So thanks. Anyway, I'm not allowed on school property for the next two weeks, so I've gotta go. Bye, Lix!"

Mr. Son's door opened again. "Mr. Lee," he said with a scowl on his face, "Come in. Have a seat."

Felix sat in the uncomfortable wooden chair across from the dean and avoided eye contact.

"Why don't you tell me what happened in Mr. Kang's chemistry class this morning?"

Felix cleared his throat. "Kihyun was bothering me again, talking about how he convinced everyone I'm a worthless whore and that's why no one's talking to me. He grabbed my neck and was choking me. Then he was saying some... vulgar things to my best friend about me so Jisung told him to stop, and when he didn't they started fighting."

"And did you participate in the fight?" Mr. Son asked, his tone dead and disinterested.

"Yes," Felix admitted, "When Kihyun was on top of Jisung, he was holding his throat and Jisung couldn't breathe, so I hit Kihyun with a chair. And I kicked him before I hit him with the chair."

"Listen, Felix," Mr. Son said, "Jisung told me about some of the things Kihyun has done to you in the past. He said Kihyun attempted to sexually assault you on more than one occasion, that he's been discriminating against you because you're gay, and that he's been physically and verbally attacking you for quite some time now. Is that true?"

Felix nodded. "That's all true." He choked back a sob as he recalled the painful memories.

Mr. Son sighed. "I do have to involve the police due to the severity of your situation. Don't worry, you're not in any trouble for that. Unfortunately, you did participate in a fight and you hit another student with a chair, so you'll be suspended for three days. I'll call your mother and let her know."

"Please," Felix whispered, "Don't tell her about getting the cops involved. Tell her I hit someone with a chair, fine, but I don't want her to worry too much about all that other stuff." Mr. Son nodded and asked Felix to leave before picking up the phone and calling Ms. Lee.

Felix got home and felt even worse. He was alone, trapped with his thoughts. He went up to his room and crawled into bed, crying himself to sleep.

a/n: it's been 15 days since i updated, so yall get two new chapters uwu

sorry i've been so inconsistent with updating. i've been having trouble finding motivation for this story but today i was reading through your comments and thinking about how i want to keep giving you guys new chapters so here they are~

thank you for 26.5k reads, 2k votes, and more than 500 comments
i love yall

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