the one at the coffee shop

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for those of you who celebrate it, happy easter! and for those who don't, happy normal sunday!

After school ended, Changbin received a text from his mom reminding him that he and Felix were to meet their moms for coffee that afternoon. He walked out of his last class and went to find Felix.

He spotted blonde hair in the crowd and ran (more like fought his way through a wall of people) for it. Felix was admiring the necklace Changbin had given him with a goofy little smile. Just then, he got a text from his mom.

Ma: You and your boyfriend are still meeting me and Haeji for coffee today, right?

Lix: ma he's not my boyfriend

Ma: Are you sure? Haeji and I both thought you two have been together for a long time. And with some of the stories Cassie has told me, I don't think I believe that you two are just best friends...

Lix: well you gotta believe it one day because it's true . i'll talk to you when we get to the coffee place. can you save us seats?

He shut off his phone and put it into his back pocket just as Changbin arrived. "Ready?" He asked. Felix nodded, and Changbin took his hand as they walked to the coffee shop. Their walk was peaceful and sweet as they enjoyed a spring breeze and the afternoon sunshine, just talking and laughing together, never once disrupting the tight grip they had on each other's hand. Before they knew it, they were standing just outside the coffee shop. Nervously they stopped holding hands and stepped inside, scanning the room for their moms and spotting them at the back table.
Mrs. Seo waved to the boys as they walked closer. They all said hello before Felix sat down. "I'll go get us drinks," Changbin said, "You want your usual, Lixie?" He nodded with a tiny smile. Changbin just winked and walked away to order their drinks.

Ms. Lee raised an eyebrow at her son. "'Lixie'? You hate it when people call you that."

"He's been calling me that for so long, I just can't get him to stop," Felix lied. Truthfully, he didn't want anyone else to call him that because Changbin was the one who had come up with the name, and he was the only one allowed to use it. Ms. Lee raised her hands in mock surrender before laughing and wrapping an arm around her son's shoulder.

Changbin came back after a few minutes with drinks for him and Felix, and scones for everyone.

Mrs. Seo pinched his cheek. "Aw, that was so sweet of you! Thank you, baby."

"First of all," Changbin began, "I asked you to stop calling me 'baby'. Second of all, I hope you guys like the scones." He smiled and sat down.

Felix took a sip of his drink, looking down at the table. Changbin used one finger under Felix's jaw to force him into eye contact.

"O-oh," Felix stammered, "Does baby want attention now?" Changbin laughed and grabbed Felix by the waist, standing up and holding the younger close.

"Yes, I want attention. Is that too much to ask, angel?" He held Felix closer, not failing to notice the blush spreading across his face, hiding his freckles.

Felix lightly punched Changbin's chest as he whined and hid his face. "Shut up..."

"Make me."

Felix tore his eyes away from the floor and looked at Changbin. They were still close, close enough that their noses were touching. "Okay," he said with a grin. Changbin smirked, ready to kiss Felix. Instead, Felix shoved a scone into his mouth, which effectively shut him up, both from the food and the bewilderment.

"Diane," Mrs. Seo said, "Do you want me to send you the video? I've got a ton of photos, too. Those two are so cute together."

"Mrs. Seo," Felix awkwardly muttered, "You do realise we're still standing right here and we can hear what you're saying, right?"

"Of course!" She beamed. "Do you want me to send them to you too? I already have your number." Felix hesitated, still incredibly nervous.


And with that, the two boys left the coffee shop to walk to the run-down rollerskating place just down the street. They held hands again as they walked. It was simple and pure, and it was bliss.

"Haeji," Ms. Lee said before taking another sip of her coffee. "Those two are in love."

"I know," she said, grinning.

"But they don't yet."

a/n: get ready for the fluff babes because that's what i live for
also, thank you for 4K reads! i'm so thankful for everyone who reads, votes, and comments. i love reading yalls comments. they're always so cute n funny (T^T)

shameless self promo: i'm starting a new seungjin book and will hopefully post the first chapter or two tonight!!

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