the one with a meme (not an update)

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i realised i keep forgetting to explain my joke about changbin's name from 'the one where hes insecure'

i realised i keep forgetting to explain my joke about changbin's name from 'the one where hes insecure'

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binnie (more like bean-ie amirite—) is so cute i hate him wtf   (T^T)

quick update on my other stories: if you check my bio, you'll see which books i have that are labeled coming soon. i've decided that for "church" i'm going to pre-write the whole story so i can post consistently (every week or every other week or something i'm not sure yet) and last night i started writing my first non-skz story, and it's for loona hyewon (gowon and olivia hye) and i'm really excited for it. i hope you guys enjoy. thank you for all of your kindness and support, as well as 49k reads and 3.6k votes. i love yall :)

also you should follow my kpop meme account on instagram
the username is @/chamomilekpop

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