the one where he comes back

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The sound of broken sobs was all that could be heard in the empty stairwell. Upon discovering the source of the noise, a voice interrupted the tense, quiet atmosphere.

"What the hell?!"

At the sound of an unfamiliar voice, the man turned around, only to be met with the sight of the sole of a shoe headed straight for his nose. The kick knocked him out instantly, and the man toppled to the floor in a heap, releasing Felix from his hold. Chan took this as his opportunity to take the crying boy into his arms and run. He could only understand one word that cut through the hysterical crying: Binnie.

Chan didn't think. He just ran. By the time he had arrived at Changbin's house, the young boy in his arms had fallen asleep. Careful not to drop Felix, he desperately pounded on the door.

When it finally swung open, Chan was suddenly face to face With a teary-eyed Changbin. His expression shifted from miserable to mortified when he saw the shaking blonde boy in Chan's arms. "Lixie," he breathed, "Is he okay? What happened?!"

Chan sighed as he pushed past Changbin into the house. He gently set Felix on the couch and led Changbin into the kitchen. "You and Hyunjin were supposed to take care of him tonight. I know where Hyunjin is; he's passed out in the backseat of my car. Where did you go, Bin? Whatever happened when you left ended with me kicking a guy in the face to stop him from hurting Felix more than he already had."

Changbin sniffled as he tried to hold back another wave of tears threatening to fight their way to the surface. "I didn't realise that he was hurting Felix. I thought Lix was gonna go hook up with some rando to get back at me for not kissing him and—"

"He asked you to kiss him?" Chan interrupted.

"Yeah," Changbin continued, "but that's not the important part. I told him no and he got upset and wanted to drink even more so he dragged me out to find Hyunjin. We found him and I stepped away for a minute to calm down then I panicked because I couldn't find him, but then I did. I thought he was just making out with some other dude because I wouldn't do it." He choked on his words as sobs shook his body.

Chan rubbed the short boy's shoulder. "Shh, Changbin, I promise you'll be okay."

"I'm so stupid!" He wailed, "I should've protected him. What if something had happened? I would never forgive myself if I let my Felix get hurt."

Chan's expression was no longer soft. It was serious and stoic. "I know you care about him, but do you ever tell him that? Do you think Felix knows that you consider him someone worth crying over at..." he glanced at his watch. "At 2:57am? Does he know? You need to tell him how much he means to you before someone else comes along feeling the same way about him, because then he won't be your Felix anymore."

And with that, Chan left.

Changbin slowly approached Felix again, shaking. He picked up the sleeping boy from the couch and carried him up to his room, where he held him protectively as he slept. Changbin, however, couldn't fall asleep. He kept replaying tonight's events in his head, thinking about everything he'd done wrong.

If I'd come back just a little earlier...
If I would've just kissed him like he asked...
If I didn't let him drink so much...
This is all my fault.

He placed a light kiss on Felix's temple as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Lixie. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again." He pulled the sleeping boy closer to his chest and felt the safety of his warm embrace as he drifted into unconsciousness.

a/n: yall getting a triple update at 3:27am hope yall like it sorry for my chaotic update schedule i had surgery a few days ago and am still Suffering ™

anyway have a lovely day/night babes

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