the one where felix and cassie get along for once

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Felix woke up late the next morning. In a panicked frenzy, he scrambled to reach his phone. He had four missed calls and seven texts. Most of them were from Hyunjin, Chan, Jisung, and Changbin. Felix texted Chan one word: LATE!! He tossed his phone back onto his bed and took the fastest shower he'd ever taken, which he was proud of himself for.

As he put on his school uniform and brushed his hair and teeth, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Last night's makeup had washed off, leaving Changbin's marks on full display. Felix gently traced them with his fingers, lost in his thoughts about his best friend. Then he remembered he was late.

"Jesus Christ," he shouted, "Why can't I find it?"

Cassie walked in and wiped her eyes as she muttered, "What are you looking for?"

"My concealer."

"Oh," Cassie said, "I didn't realise that was yours. I took it. It's almost gone because Yeji and I did makeovers last night." Only then did she let her gaze drift down to her brother's neck. Her eyes widened and Felix shifted uncomfortably.

Through gritted teeth, Felix said, "Can you please get me the concealer? I need it."

"You definitely do," Cassie laughed, "Damn, Lix. I never realised you were that type. I'm proud of you though. 'Bout time you went out and found a man. Did Changbin do... this?" At the word 'this' she gestured at the marks painting his skin.

"Heh," Felix chuckled awkwardly, "Why would you think that? You're crazy, Casserole, but I love you anyway." He wouldn't meet her eyes.

"You're not denying that it was him."

Felix threw a pillow at her. "Just find me the concealer! We're already late."

She came back a few minutes later with the makeup and a blending sponge. "Okay," she said, "We don't have a ton of it, and you don't know how to do makeup, so I'm gonna do this for you." She began at his jawline and worked downward so the marks would be less obvious, at least on his neck. Felix winced as she blended the concealer.

"Christ, please be gentle," he hissed.

Cassie smirked. "Doesn't seem like Changbin was very gentle. Some of these marks are dark. So it's gonna hurt a bit. Suck it up."

His neck was covered almost to his collarbones before they ran out. "It's good enough," Felix declared, "We have to go. We already missed our first two classes. You ready?" She nodded and they were on their way. They talked the whole way to school. They'd missed the public bus and had to walk.

"Why do you know how to cover hickeys with makeup? You're only thirteen. I feel like this should probably worry me," Felix said with a small push to Cassie's shoulder.

She inhaled sharply. "You can't tell anyone this, but my friends make some... questionable decisions sometimes. So I have to be the one to take care of them when they're being asshats, which happens literally all the time. Also, I'm gonna be fourteen in like... a week? I'm not sure exactly how many days."

"You still wanting to have a party this year?"

With a sigh, Cassie admitted, "I don't know. I don't really like most of my friends; they're just people I hang out with. Ciara and Ben just moved here from America, and I guess they're cool. They're twins, and it's nice to be able to speak English with someone who isn't you again. Obviously I've got Yeji. I love her, and she's my best friend, but the group wants her to act the way they do and I think she's scared to do anything else because she doesn't want to go back to being the loser who sits with the geeky Australian girl under the bleachers at lunch because they had nowhere else to go. She likes being popular. I hate it."

"Am I allowed to beat up a ton of fourteen year olds? Because I will," Felix said, "And since your friends suck, me and the boys can throw you a party. We'll make you a cake and decorate real nice and we can watch your favourite movies."

"Even if they're not in Korean?" Her previously somber mood was replaced with excitement.

"Yeah," Felix said, ruffling her hair. "My friends can read subtitles. And they don't get to gripe about it this time because it's your birthday!"

She stopped walking to hug her brother. "Thank you," she whispered against his chest.

Felix felt bad for his sister. He'd been suspicious that she hated her friends for a while, but she never really wanted to talk about it, so he didn't pressure her to tell him. He knew they'd talk whenever she was ready. He trusted Cassie.

Since the middle school was just down the street from the high school, Felix stopped to drop Cassie off. She's going to be in high school next year, Felix realised. The thought scared him, so he pushed it away as his sister waved at him from the doorway before running to class. And with that, he was on his way to his own school where he'd meet up with his friends and endure whatever teasing they had ready for him today. He smiled at the thought.

a/n: it's 3:15am and i've been awake for a little over two hours now. i went to bed at around 11:45

that's so sad alexa play insomnia by stray kids

healthy sleep schedule? sorry idk her
anyway since i can't sleep i'm gonna keep writing. hope yall enjoyed it! thanks for reading babes

there may be another new chapter within the next few hours 👀☕️

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