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(Perspective change)

When I saw her opening the door it hit me like a train. All the memorys came back at once. There was a light draft and I could smell her perfume. It was made of roses and jasmine and reminded me of a beautiful summer day. The day I confessed my love to her. I was lost in my thoughts again...

(about 1 year ago)

'Elijah?' Hayley stood in the doorway waiting for me to invite her in. 'Hayley. I did not expect you. It was a hard time for you the last weeks and... I thought you would like to be on your own for a while.' She slowely walked in and sat down next to me on the sofa. She did not seem to be that happy. More like there was still something on her mind. I put the book I read on the table and turned my face to her. Even in her sad mood she looked perfect. I cannot remember how often I fell asleep dreaming of her but I never dared to tell her because of her marriage with Jackson. And there were more important issues than my feelings but I told myself that I would be always there for her whenever she needs me. 'Hayley. Whatever is on your mind you can tell me. You know that I would do anything for you. Just tell me what I can do.' She looked on the floor in such a pensive and sad way. I put my arm around her and took her hand. It prickled when I touched her but I knew that it was again not the time for my feelings. I had to help her. She leaned against my shoulder and pressed my hand. 

'Elijah. The last months everything I wanted was peace. I wanted to be able to raise my daughter and be a mother. I didn't want to be part of a war between witches, vampires and werewolfs. I lost friends and felt so much pain... and now that we survived this whole Strix thing and I can finally raise my daughter I'm still not happy.'

'Hayley. You cannot forget what happend. You lost your husband and your child was in danger as well. You need some time to come back to a normal life.' While I was speaking I softly stroke her head and pulled her closer.

'It's easy to say that. But I never loved Jackson the way I should have. We married in order to save the pack and I guess my feelings for him  weren't real. It was a necessary step. I mean I miss him and I never wanted him to die but it's something different. I feel so lonely Elijah and it's not because of Jacksons death.' There was a tear rolling down her cheek and I wiped it off. She lifted her head and looked into my eyes and I saw all her pain in that second. 

I took her head between my hands and gave her a soft kiss. I cannot describe the prickling inside of me in that moment but it felt right. I slowly moved back looking. I should not have done that. She lost her husband and I kissed her. But before I could think more she turned towards me and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back and felt the sweet taste of her tongue in my mouth. While we were kissing and became wilder every second she sat down on me. Our mouths seperated for some seconds and when I looked into her eyes there was this wild fire I always wanted to see.

'Hayley I love you. Never forget that' 

I had only one second to breath before we started kissing again. We became wilder and within seconds we moved from the sofa, to a table, to my bed were we spent the whole night together.


I winced when I realised that I was probably daydreaming for some minutes and looked around. The sound of Hayley closing the door had brought me back to reality. There was no time to lose. I had to find out how Klaus could come free and how I can stop him. I deserve happiness and this time I will fight for myself and Hayley. I will be with her again.

Wow that was kinda long chapter today but I hope you enjoyed going back in time <3

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