Time to say good bye

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I didn't know for how long Sia had tortured Halyey until she had stoped screaming. My eyes were filled with tears and I couldn't look away. I could still hear her heart slowly beating. Sia was walking up and down smiling at me.

'Elijah come on. It's just a girl. I really don't understand why you are crying like a baby. But good news for you. She can still hear you'

She made a small break and came over to me.

'Well, and she can feel everything. Isn't it funny. She seems to be unconscious but inside she's awake. I really love this spell.'

She was laughing and walked over to Hayley again. She took her head and looked at her face that was covered in blood. 

'any last words my dear?'

She asked Hayley with an diabolic smile ob her face. Hayleys eyes opend a little and she looked straight into my eyes.

'I love you Elijah. Please never forget that. No one will ever tear us apart. Even If I die we will be together.'

She whispered as her head fell down again.

'NO. Sia stop it.'

I shouted and turned to Hayley.

'Hayley. You will not die. We will get married and we will be happy. Believe me.'

Tears were running over my cheeks and my eyes were burning. Sia just shook her head putting a stake out of her pocket.

'Now say goodbye Elijah.'

She shouted and ramed the stake straught into Hayleys heart. I couldn't turn away. It was impossible to me and I could t believe that. Her body slowly became pale and covered with dark lines. It was true. Sia had killed her. A scream of pain came out of my throat and I Fell down on my knees my Arms still tied up together. But that physical pain was unimportant. It was the feeling that my heart got ripped out again and again. Not that Sia had tortured me. Now she had killed Hayley. The love of my life. It was unbareable for me.

'You see you better not harm me again Elijah. But it's still not over. Now I won't let you go and forget her. I will show you your New home.'

She opened the chains and I fell down. With a wink of her hand she brought me up on my feet again and made me follow her. I looked over my shoulder. I wanted to hold Hayley one last time but she just made me follow her. We went down lots of stairs. Finally she opened a door. It was too dark to recognise something.

'welcome home Elijah. This room will be the only thing you see for the rest of your life. There is no way to run away. No way out for you I promise. I hope you enjoy the time to think about your mistakes. You could have had a great life but it's your own fault that you ended up here.'

She walked out and the door closed. I fell down on my knees and started crying. Probably it was what I deserved. It was my fault that Hayley was dead now. I deserved to suffer here inside of this hell the rest of my days. What could I do outside I would kill myself. This pain was unbearable. I felt empty there was no reason to live now.

That's how my life in eternity ended...

So I put it to an end. Sorry for everyone who believed in a happy end but I didn't feel like that was pretty realistic. See you hopefully soon for a new FF <3

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