Don't worry about me

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I wanted to leave the villa directly after we brought Hope home safely.

'Elijah. You wanted to leave without a goodbye again? I know you think that you are immortal but don't forget that he is your brother and he can hurt you a lot.'

'I know that Hayley but I can protect myself and I have to find him as soon as possible. I wanted to say goodbye but I am sure it will not take for so long to find him.'

She came closer to me and put her arms around my neck. I kissed her gently and stroke her hair back. 

'I will be back soon. Do not worry about me.'

I went away and already had an idea where I could find Klaus. He told me that he would kill the wolves if i came back together with Hayley so that was my first stop. I ran through the forest and heard some noise far away. There was a fight and I knew it was Klaus. I ran faster and when I reached them I could see five dead bodys on the floor 7 wolves were surounding Klaus. I pushed them away and stood now face to face with my brother.

'Hello Elijah. You know that all of this is your fault? Because you couldn't keep your hand off Hayley?'

'You are mad Klaus. This is not you. There is something inside your head controlling you. And you know that I will never leave Hayley again. She is the love of my life and you will not destroy that or kill anyone because of that. You will leave these wolf alone.'

He was laughing before he replyed.

'And you think that you can stop me? Funny. There is no way out for you. First I will kill these wolfs. Than I will break your neck. Bring you home, kill Hayley and stab you. Then you will have some time to think...'

Before he had finished talking someone had broken his neck and he fell down. 

'Hayley?! Why are you here?'

'I have to protect my family. And I think I was just in time.'

'Absolutely. Listen to me. Help these wolfs and I will take Klaus. I will bring him home and Freya will imprison him with a spell. Then we will have enough time to look into his head.'

She nodded and turned around. Before she could walk away I grabbed her arm turned her back to me and kissed her deeply.

'I am sorry for not saying goodbye. I love you.'

'I love you too Elijah. We will meet later.'

I took Klaus body and ran back to our villa. Freya would do the rest to keep us save from him the next time. And then I would compensate for my mistakes and show Hayley how much I love her.

Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday but I was busy. Hope you enjoyed it <3

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