May I have this dance

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I went through the villa looking for Hayley. She was with Hope and watched her sleeping. I was waiting at the door because I did not want to destroy their calm moment. Hayley turned around and for the first time during the last days she looked happy. 

'Thank you for everything Elijah.'

'We are not finished yet. There is still the problem we have with Niklaus. He is still out of control and he will not calm down. We imprisoned him and he will not forgive us until we find out who is inside of his head.'

Hayleys happiness left within seconds. I did not want to make her feel sad or worried. So I walked in and put my hand on her shoulder. 

'But Hayley, today we survived and the rest of this day is ours. Come with me, Freya will look after Hope and you and I we go out. Let us forget about all of this for some hours. Let us have a normal life just for one evening. And tomorrow we will be superheroes again and save the world.'

Hayley smiled and kissed Hopes forehead. She took my hand, stood up and put her arms around my neck. 

'We will never be normal Elijah but you are right. Give me a moment to dress up a bit. Where are we going?'

'It is a surprise but the red dress that is already waiting for you upstairs will be perfect.'

I kissed her gently before she went out. I had to smile. That look on her face was priceless she expected me to say 'let's go to a bar' or something like that but a dress means much more and I was pretty sure that deep inside of her she had dreamed of a glamorous evening like that for a long time. I knew that she was not that kind of barbie girl but every woman has a part that loves dresses and being desired.

About half an hour later Hayley came down the stairs. She was wearing the dress I gave her and I was speeless. She looked fantastic. In my whole lifetime I had never seen someone that beautiful. She looked elegant and yet powerful. She smiled at me and I felt something I had not felt for so long. True love. I tokk her hand, gave her a kiss and we left. I brought her to an old building. It was a glamorous restaurant and without manipulation or an hugh influence it was impossible to get a table. I opened the door for her and we went inside. A man was already waiting for us and showed us our table. Hayley looked absolutely happy and I believe that no one had ever done something like this for her. We had several courses with excelent wines. 

'Elijah, I don't know what to say. That is the most beautiful evening of my life. The dress, the atmosphere, the food. How can I thank you?'

'You don not have to say thank you. You are the love of my life and nothing is too much for you. I would do anything to make you happy.'

But there was one thing left I wanted to do. So I stood up walked around the table and asked her.

'Hayley. May I have this dance'

She took my hand with a smile and stood up. I put my hand on her waist and took her hand with my other one. I lead her and after the first dance we had a second dance and a third until I stoped counting. It seemed like time stood still. The people around us disappeared and I had the feeling that there was only us. 

Later on I asked her to leave the restaurant after I paid and have a little walk through the night. She agreed and I took her hand again. It was cold outside so I gave her my coat. We sat down on a bench in a park. There was no one around us and I kissed her gently. 

I became a bit nervous now. I was over 1000 years old but that woman made me nervous. I had planed that moment for several months. I imagined meeting her again and asking her and now that this moment had come I was sitting her becoming nervous. Hayley had put her head against my shoulder and my arms was laying around her. I had to do it now. It was the perfect moment. Come on Elijah. Do it.

I slowly took the little box inside of my pocket. and turned to Hayley. She put her head up and looked at me. 

'Hayley, I know we went through so much and I have always admired your power and your strong will. You are stronger than everyone of us. You protected Hope and those you love with your life and I would do the same for you. I would die for you and Hope and there is nothing I regret more than that I had left you last year. I hated myself for that mistake so much and it made me suffer to lie to you. I never ment to hurt you and I will never do anything like that again.'

I got up and kneeled down in front of her. I could see that she now knew what I was talking about and there were tears in her eyes.

'I promise to never leave you again. I will be there for you for ever if you want me to.'

I made a short break where I opened the box.

'Hayley Marshall please marry me.'

It's getting romantic now <3 Will Hayley accept and become Elijahs wife? What do you think?

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