The worst is yet to come

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The blade made it's way into my chest. The pain was much worse than everything that was ever done to me. I fell down on my knees trying to remove it but I couldn't. I wasn't able to move or speak. It was just the terrible pain filling my mind and letting no room for other thoughts. 

I don't know for how long Sia let me suffer until she desided to remove the blade. My view became clear again and I saw her wathching me. In her hand I saw the blade and my blood droping down on the floor. I looked around and realised that I was in a different room now. Around my wrists there were chaines stretching my arms to the left an right. 

"Sia are you happy now? Seeing me suffer more than ever before. Finding me lost in this nightmare without giving up on my promise."

I was shouting but she was just walking up and down thoughtfully.

"I had to rethink my plan. I hope you will understand but I had no choice. While you were slepping I had a visitor. I'm sure you know her. She wanted to free you and I wasn't really happy about that so I decided to fulfil her dream and let her meet you again."

I was staring at her shaking my head. I was sure who she was talking about but I didn't want to believe that. 

"Sia please. Don't do that. You want to punish me and not her. Please let her go."

I begged her knowing  that this pain was probably the only thing that hurt me more than anything else. Sia didn't even focus on me she seemed to be mentaly absent thinking about what to do next. All at once she was staring at me smiling in an diabolic way shaking her head.

"Elijah, I think I'm not interessted in your requests. So say hello to your darling."

Family above all (Haylijah FF)  Where stories live. Discover now