I will never do anything like this again

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(Perspective Change)

I decided to tell Hayley the truth. She deserved it and then she could decide if she was able to love me again or not but I knew that I would always love her and now was the time to fight for my love.

'Hayley. I always loved you. That was never a question and you have to know that I never wanted to leave you. Klaus had blackmailed me. After he had seen that I loved you more than I had ever loved someone before he came to me. He told me that he did not want me to meet you again. Sounds funny right? But it was Klaus who said it and I knew that there must be more. I told him that you were the most important thing in my life and I would never leave you. He laught and told me that he expected me to react in such a way. He gave me the choice. Either He would go out into the Bayou and find and kill all the wolfs and you. Furthermore He told me that he would kill everyone I would love in the future and he would never stop. The alternative was that I had to leave you. I knew that he would do that without a doubt so I accepted to leave you. But it was never ment to be forever. I just needed some time for my plan. I wanted to use his own weapon. The dagger he had used so many times before to let me and my siblings sleep for years. One day I got my chance and stepped him but it seemed like Klaus was prepared for everything. There had to be some kind of magic he had used. I know vampires and witches are not best friends but there was a witch who had helped him. There is no other way. He fell down and smiled that was the moment I realised I had made a hugh mistake. I mean he fell asleep but I fell as well. I was caught in a nightmare. I went through hell. The spell made me see your death over and over again always different. I do not know how much time passed by but Rebekah finally found me and called Freya who brought me out of that nightmare. She could not explain what had happend but I knew that I could not see you. There was someone outside there helping Klaus and that person would know if I saw you so I was hiding. I observed your house, wanted to find out who wanted to hurt you. And some hours ago I went to your house as usual and Klaus was there awake. I have no idea how this was possible but I did not want to lie to you again. You have to know that you are in danger. And I beg you to forgive me. I never ment to hurt you but I could not risc your life because of my feelings. But Hayley now I am sure that I will never let anyone come between us again. I will protect you and I would die for you. And believe me, I will stop Klaus and if you still love me I will do anything for you. I will never disappoint you again because I love you and I made the biggest mistake of my life accepting Klaus deal and leaving you. Please Hayley forgive me.'

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