I cannot live without you

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I woke up with a terrible pain inside of my head. I look ed around and saw Hayley still lying down in front of the tree. I ran to her and fell down on my knees by her side. Then I saw it. Her heart was ripped out of her body. She was dead. I couldn't believe that. It wasn't true. My eyes filled with tears.
'No... No... This is impossible. You can't be dead. I loved you. I.... I...'
I couldn't continue. My voice broke and I fell down on her crying and dying inside because of this pain that grew rapitaly inside of me. It felt like my heart was ripped out again and again and I couldn't stop it. I had never felt like this before. I had never loved so deep. Hayley had been the love of my life. And now she was gone. Forever. I couldn't imagine eternity without her. Sia, she was the reason she was responsable for everything. I would have my revenge she would suffer. I would torture her until she would beg for death and I wouldn't let her die. She should suffer for everything. I took Hayleys hand kissed her forehead gently. Then I got up, took her body and went away. I had to pay my last respect to her. And after that I would put all my pain and rage into finding Sia and making her pay.

I will probably upload new chapters less often now. Hope you forgive me.

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