It's just the beginning

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I was running around now for 2 hours and hadn't found a way out. When I was close to giving up I remembered the chambre de chasse. Sias world had to be like that. I had to find something that represented me. I was looking around that world was so much bigger than a normal chambre de chasse was. I went out of the Bayou to find my totem. I went to our house walking through every room but I couldn't find a thing. I was looking for a difference or anything like that. Only 4 hours left I had to be faster. I sat down and closed my eyes.

'Elijah Mikaelson. What is most important for me? My family and loyality. I am the nobel one.'

I said to myself.

'Family...what represents my family in this world?'

It was impossible to find that one thing. There were to many possibilities. I stood up again and walked through the next rooms. I took a look at every single corner of the house but still had no idea. Finally when there were only some minutes left I knew what it was. It wasn't a typical chambre de chasse like I thought. Sia wanted me to suffer so that would be to easy. I went down to the basement stopping right in front of a door when Sia appeared right behind me.

'Elijah, I see you found out how to free yourself. Are you sure you want to? You know what is behind that door. Your biggest nightmare right? Everything you wanted to forget. And probably I added some extras.'

She was laughing diabolically when she dissapeared and left me without a real choice. I had to go back to save Hayley. I coulnd't stay here even though I feared what was behind that door. It was the red door behind I hide all my nightmares. Without thinking of her words and especially her 'extras' I opened the door and went through it.

Family above all (Haylijah FF)  Where stories live. Discover now