Finding Hope

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After some minutes Freya had found Hope, she was on the cemetery. I was pretty sure now that some witches were involved. I turned around and went out to bring her back. Hayley was walking behind me as determined as me to bring Hope back today. I wondered why the witches did not hide her. They must know that Freya was able to locate her. Probably they forgot or they could not hide Hopes magic. 

We arrived at the cemetery and I could hear someone whisper. It was a spell. I had no idea what that witch was doing but she would die for kidnapping my niece. The voices became louder and I could see Hope. She was lying on an altar with 5 witches around her. It looked like they would like to sacrafice her. Hayley became faster and I could barely hold her back. She started running and bite one of the witches. I had to help her those witches must have a lot of power. They realised that they had to stop the spell and fight first. I made my way to one of the other witches who stood next to Hope and broke her neck. She fell down and in the same second I felt an unbearable pain in my head. One witch stood in front of me doing a spell. I tried to stand up again and fight her but the pain boosted in the same second. Hayley had killed two other witches during that time and now was on her way killing the one who made me suffer. Hayley was now one meter away when the witch turned around and did the same thing to her. She went down on her knees holding her head between her hands. She was screaming and I ignored all the pain inside of my head and jumped against that witch sinking my tooth into her neck. She did not expect that so it was easy for me now to kill her. When I dropped her on the floor Hayley was already taking Hope. 

'Let us go before anyone finds out that we killed 5 witches.'

Hayley nodded and we made our way out of the cemetery. Back at home Freya told us that she had found out about the witches' plan. They wanted to use Hope to weaken Klaus. Because he was her father they were connencted and they wanted to strengthen that connection. Then they wanted to kill Hope in order to make Klaus mortal for a short time. They knew that Klaus would have his revenge so he would had come to the cemetery and they had have the chance to kill him. 

I was sure that we had to protect Hope more than before now until Klaus was himself again. I asked Freya to find a spell to make Hope and Hayley invisible so the witches would not find them.

But now I had to find my brother and find out who was inside of his head manipulating him. He was not himself rightnow and I had to change that. 

Short question do you want this story to go on for longer or should I end it soon? Please give me a short Feedback <3

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