"Will you marry me?" "...no"

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I sat at my desk, tying out my sales.

"Psst." My eyebrows furrowed as I heard something.

"Psst." I looked around, looking to my right.

"Other way, Y/L/N." Jim whispered. I looked at him and smiled.

"What's up-." My voice trailed off as he put a finger to his lips. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Watch this." He whispered before pointing to Dwight. I looked at him before looking at Dwight, who was about to take a sip of his coffee. He took a sip before spitting it out, coughing and spluttering. Jim smiled at me.

"Salt, not sugar." He chuckled.

"Oh that's awesome." I laughed, making him smile.

"Jim, what did you do to my coffee?" Dwight spat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jim shook his head.

"Joke's on you, I'll just have yours instead." Dwight sneered before taking a sip of Jim's coffee. He spit it out again, making Jim smirk.

"You salted your own coffee?" I laughed.

"I did." Jim nodded, making me laugh more.

"Just because you want to impress Y/N." Dwight mumbled. My smile faltered, as did Jim's.

"Sorry, what?" he asked, clearing his throat.

"I know that you like her, so no wonder you want to show off in front of her." He scoffed. Jim's smile dropped completely as he looked between Pam and I.

"Yeah, as a friend. I always prank you, Y/N being here doesn't change that." Jim chuckled nervously. My smile dipped further at his words and I looked at him.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that." Dwight smirked. Jim looked at me and gulped before going back to his work, making my smile disappear entirely.

Jim's P.O.V

"Why does everyone think that I have a crush or something on Y/N?" Jim chuckled nervously.

"I mean, sure, she's cute and funny, and she gets me, and she's easy to talk to and prank Dwight with, and she's cute-did I already say that one-erm..." he gulped and looked into the camera.

"But I'm with Pam, and I love her, and I'm even considering proposing to her, so..." he chuckled nervously, scratching at his chin as he looked into the camera again.

"Please don't tell Pam." He gulped.

Y/N's P.O.V

"No, I don't have a crush on Jim." I scoffed as I looked into the camera.

"Why? Did he say something?" I gulped, making the producer shrug. I sighed and shook my head.

"Even if I did have a crush on him, it doesn't matter because he doesn't have a crush on me and he's in love with Pam, and I would never do that to either of them, and Jim isn't the type of guy to cheat...no, there's nothing there." I gulped, shaking my head and giving the camera a small smile.

I walked to the reception desk and grabbed a jelly bean.

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec?" Pam asked.

"Sure." I smiled, leaning over the desk slightly to face her. She looked past me at Jim for a moment before looking at me.

"You and Jim are getting close, right?" she asked. My eyes widened slightly.

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