Philip Duncan Halpert

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"So, Jim is still in Philly, and I am very, very pregnant." I chuckled, resting my hands against my nine-month pregnant stomach.

"Part of me hoped that he'd be back sooner, to help me with Cece, and all that, but at the same time, he's doing this to give her and Philip a good life." I smiled, it faltering as I looked down.

"I just wish he was here. To feel his son kick and to see his daughter waddling through the house. But he'll be back soon. He promised." I nodded, a tear leaving my eye before I quickly wiped it away.

Jim's P.O.V

"So, my son is due in a week, Y/N is nine months pregnant and looking after our two-year-old daughter by herself, and I'm two hours away in Philly." Jim nodded, looking into the camera. He sighed and looked down.

"It's been tough, I won't lie. I've missed a lot of Philip's kicks, I've missed Cece calling me daddy, I've missed lying in bed with Y/N in the morning-." He stopped talking as he looked down, tears pricking his eyes. He cleared his throat and looked back up.

"I miss my family." He nodded, a tear rolling down his face.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat at my desk, doing random drawings on my paper. I sighed as I stood up and waddled to Pam's reception desk, holding my bump. She looked at me.

"Hey, Y/N, how you feeling?" she asked.

"Fat." I chuckled, making her laugh as I grabbed a jelly bean.

"What does Cece think about getting a little brother?" she asked.

"She can't wait, she's been looking after her dolls in preparation-." My eyes widened as suddenly, water trickled down my legs. Pam's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, was that your water?" she gulped.

"I can't be, I'm not due for another week-ow." I winced as I got a contraction and I gripped my bump.

"Oh, my god, Y/N is in labour!" Pam shouted, making everyone gasp and look at me.

"Y/N, you need to get to the hospital." Oscar spoke.

"Pam, call Jim, tell him he needs to get here now." I gulped, holding my bump.

"Of course, yes." She nodded before grabbing the phone.

"Can someone drive me to the hospital please?" I choked, squeezing my eyes shut as another contraction hit.

"It's okay, I'll call an ambulance." Kevin nodded.

"No, ambulances are for emergencies only, you call an ambulance, I call the cops." Dwight nodded.

"I've called Jim, it's okay, I can drive you." Pam spoke as she grabbed her purse as well as mine.

"We need to go, now." I nodded.

"Good luck Y/N." Oscar smiled.

"Yeah, good luck!" Andy shouted from the door of the kitchen.

"Thanks guys." I forced a smile as I clutched my bump and held onto Pam.

"Let's go have a baby." Pam smiled at me as she walked me out, making me laugh and nod.

Jim's P.O.V

Jim sighed as he sat at his desk, staring at the sheets in front of him. Suddenly, his phone started to ring, showing the office's reception number. He sighed as he picked it up.

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