The date

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~One month later~

Jim's P.O.V

Jim sat at his desk, trying to do his work but not being able to. He gulped as he looked up to see Y/N's desk empty. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked around.

"Pam." He spoke, looking at reception.

"Yeah?" Pam asked.

"Where's Y/N?" he asked.

"She's in the conference room, doing an interview for the documentary with the camera crew." She spoke. Jim looked at the conference room and surely enough, there she sat. He gulped and nervously tapped his foot against the floor before shaking his head and rolling back to his desk. He groaned and held his head in his hands.

"Screw it." He mumbled before standing up and knocking on the door.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Jim and Pam have been broken up for a month now, and it's actually been okay. They agreed to be friends, so we're all still good friends, which is great." I smiled.

"Am I happy that they broke up? Of course, I'm not. They were happy together, so, no, I'm not happy that they broke up. That being said, I have liked Jim since I got here, and now it's beyond that. I love him." I admitted before looking down.

"He hasn't made a move yet, and I don't know if he will so-." I was cut off as the door opened and Jim walked in.

"Hey, Jim, you okay?" I asked. Jim gulped and looked into the camera before looking at me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me tonight." He nodded. My eyes widened slightly.

"As, um, as a date?" I asked.

"Yes. As a date." He spoke, smiling at me. I returned it.

"I'd love to." I spoke. His smile widened.

"Great." He nodded, chuckling as he looked into the camera before leaving the room. My heart pounded through my chest as I looked down slightly, unable to hide my smile. I looked back at the camera.

"I, um...sorry, what was the question?" I smiled.

I applied my last coat of lipstick before putting it into my purse. I smiled to myself as the doorbell rang. I opened it and smiled as Jim stood there, hands in his trouser pockets.

"Hey you." I smiled.

"Hey. You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Thank you." I returned before putting on my stilettos.

"Woah, those are high, I've never seen those before." Jim chuckled.

"Yeah. There's a company policy stating that heels can't be more than three inches, but since this is a date, I broke out the five inchers." I spoke, making Jim laugh as I stood up.

"Wow. Five inches and you're still smaller than me." He smirked.

"Shut it, Halpert." I chuckled, making him laugh as we walked out to his car.

"I'm telling you, they actually did that. I thought we were millionaires." Jim smiled.

"Oh my god. And I thought my brother was an ass." I laughed.

"Nothing is as bad as being the youngest out of three boys. I got wedgies every day for ten years." He nodded, making me laugh more.

"So, what's something I don't know about you?" he asked, bringing his glass of wine to his lips.

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