"Baby Halpert's on her way"

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"Are you sure? Like, really, really sure?" Jim gulped as he grabbed his work bag.

"Yes, I'll be fine, I'm okay." I nodded, holding my bump as I opened the door and waddled out to the car.

"Because I can take you to the hospital, that wouldn't be an issue." He sighed, following me out and opening the car door for me.

"I'm going to work. And not even labour will stop me." I smiled at him as I climbed in. Jim sighed and returned it slightly as he shut the door before climbing into his side.

"Last chance to change route and go to the hospital instead of to the office." Jim nodded, looking at me with one hand on the wheel and the other against my knee.

"That's what you said last time, babe." I chuckled, taking a deep breath. Jim looked at me.

"Is that the start of another contraction?" he asked. I breathed in deeply as I held my bump.

"I think so. It's okay, it's only a small one." I nodded.

"This isn't a good idea." Jim sighed.

"Well tough because you're taking me to work." I spoke.

"I love you but I so hope our kid isn't as stubborn as you are." He chuckled, making me smile.

"Okay, I know I've said this like five times, but this is really your last chance, and I mean it this time." Jim spoke as he helped me out of the car.

"I'm going to work today, even if it means I have this baby in the office." I spoke.

"Um, I think your fiancé, and the baby's dad, will have something to say about that." Jim scoffed, putting a hand on my lower back and helping me walk to the doors.

"I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt." I mumbled before gasping and squeezing Jim's hand tightly as a contraction hit.

"Liar." Jim chuckled, kissing my head as he opened the door for me.

Jim's P.O.V

"So, Y/N has been in labour for the past couple hours, which makes perfect sense since the baby is due today, yet here we are." Jim laughed nervously, gesturing his hands to the conference room that he was sat in.

"Considering I'm currently at work with my very pregnant fiancé who is literally about to give birth but still refuses to go to the hospital yet, I think I now officially hold the title of world's most worried expecting father." He chuckled, placing his fingertips against his lip. His smile dipped.

"Oh god." He gulped.

Y/N's P.O.V

I waddled into the office, holding my bump as Jim walked in behind me. Pam looked up and her eyes widened.

"Y/N, hey, what are you doing here?" she smiled as she came around the reception desk.

"The baby isn't here yet, I can still work." I smiled. She hesitantly returned it.

"But...aren't you due today?" she gulped.

"Yes, she is." Jim nodded as he helped me lower myself into my chair.

"Any movement yet?" she asked, looking at me.

"Yes, actually, since seven o'clock this morning." Jim gulped, crossing his arms tightly over his chest and biting his nail. Pam's eyes widened.

"You're in labour and you still came into work? Don't, like, all parenting books advise against that?" she scoffed.

"Probably." Jim nodded.

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