The baby shower

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"My baby shower is today." I smiled, making Jim chuckle as I held my hands against my bump.

"Pam is organising it, and it's gonna be in the conference room. Had it been under different circumstances, we wouldn't have wanted a baby shower, but turns out planning a wedding and preparing for the arrival of a baby is extremely expensive, so we could use all the free stuff we can get." Jim nodded, looking at me. I returned the nod.

"Yeah. A good crib alone can cost up to $5000 so we're not gonna say no to things like free diapers or bottles." I shrugged.

"We'll take what we can get." Jim chuckled, smiling into the camera.

"Okay, everyone in the conference room." Michael yelled as we filed in. I held my bump as I lowered myself into a chair.

"What's first? Games or presents?" I asked.

"Let's start with games." Pam nodded, making me return it as I rested my hands against my eight months pregnant bump.

"Okay, let's play guess the due date." Pam smiled.

"I'll go first." Dwight nodded as he stood up.

"What date was it when you had the intercourse that resulted in the pregnancy?" he asked. I looked at Jim to see him shaking his head as he looked at me.

"I'm not answering that." he shrugged.

"Well then how am I meant to correctly state your due date?" Dwight scoffed.

"Just guess." Jim returned, making Dwight roll his eyes.

"Fine. April 25th." He mumbled before sitting down.

"Any other guesses?" Pam asked.

"Me." Kevin spoke, raising his hand. Jim and I looked at each other.

"Go on then, Kev." Jim nodded. Kevin looked at my bump for a moment.

"December 16th." He nodded. I tried to stifle my laughter as Jim narrowed his eyes at Kevin.

"You do realise that Y/N would be 17 months pregnant by then, and pregnancies only last 9 months?" Jim chuckled. Kevin sighed.

"Fine. November 16th." He huffed.

"Okay." Jim nodded, chuckling as he looked at me.

"Who won guess the due date?" Pam asked, looking at us.

"The baby's due April 30th so Angela was closest." Jim nodded, making Angela smile as everyone else groaned.

"I have a knack for due dates." She smiled.

"Okay, time for presents." Pam smiled as she handed Jim the first one.

"I wonder what this is." He chuckled, opening the box and smiling at me. I returned it as I held my hands against my bump. Jim lifted the onesie out of the box and held it at arms-length.

"" I'm living proof that my daddy got laid at least once"." He read out before looking at me. My eyes widened.

"That's from me." Kevin giggled.

"Thanks Kev." Jim nodded before leaning in towards me.

"Our baby is never wearing this." He whispered.

"Agreed." I nodded.

"I'll go next." Angela smiled as she handed me a small box.

"Aw, Angela, thank you." I smiled.

"I didn't do it for you two sinners, I did it for the precious little angel that will be here soon." She nodded. My smile dipped as I looked at Jim.

"Thank you, nonetheless." He smiled. I returned it before opening the box. My eyes widened.

"" I chuckled nervously, holding up the crucifix necklace. Jim's eyes widened.

"Oh, my god, is that real gold?" he scoffed, leaning forward to look at it.

"It is. God's greatest everything deserves to know him, and since I doubt you two will take care of that, I thought I would." She smiled. I looked at Jim.

"Um, thank you, Angela, we'll keep it safe until the baby can wear it, if they want to." He nodded, looking at me. I returned the nod.

"Okay, final present. We all pitched in for it and I bought it." Pam nodded as Andy wheeled in a stroller. My eyes widened.

"Oh my god, Pam, you shouldn't have." I smiled, easing myself up as I held my bump.

"Yeah, Pam, we've researched this stroller, it's not cheap." Jim scoffed as he stood up and looked at it.

"Only the best for the child of my best friends." She smiled.

"Pam, we can't thank you enough for this, thank you." Jim smiled, hugging her.

"Yeah, Pam, we couldn't afford this but really wanted it so thank you." I nodded.

"Yeah, pretty impressive, Pam. I did give the most money towards it though, so technically it's from me." Michael smiled.

"Okay." Jim sighed, rolling his eyes at me and making me smile.

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