"I'm not enough for you"

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"Pam is getting married." I smiled sheepishly, looking at Jim as he nodded.

"Yup. Not entirely sure how, given that she didn't want me to even propose to her..." he shrugged.

"But that was a long time ago, and since then, you've acquired a wife and two children, so I'd say it all worked out." I smiled.

"True. Mind you, it might be kinda weird going to the wedding of my former best friend turned girlfriend turned back to best friend, with my former best friend turned girlfriend turned wife." He chuckled.

"It's fine, we're all close. I'm looking forward to it." I nodded.

"It must be said though, I'm happy for her. She's marrying this lovely guy Robert, who I believe she started dating just after we got engaged." He spoke, looking at me. I nodded.

"He's made her so happy, so I'm looking forward to it." I smiled.

"You ready, Y/N?" Jim asked as he gently put Philip into his crib.

"Yup. Where's Cece?" I asked, putting my earring in. Jim looked around.

"Erm,I don't-oh crap." He sighed as he rushed out of the open front door.
"Got her." He chuckled as he carried her back in.

"Cece, grandma's got breakfast so you're gonna stay here with her and Philip, okay?" Jim asked, putting her down.

"Okay." She nodded, chewing on her fist.

"You ready, Y/N? We're gonna be late." Jim sighed.

"We're not gonna be late." I chuckled.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as we headed out of the front door.

"I feel like this is gonna be weird." He sighed, climbing into the car.

"It'll only be weird if you make it weird, babe. Literally all it is, is us attending our best friend's wedding." I shrugged, climbing in the passenger side.

"I'll try." Jim sighed again as he started the car.

"Oh my god." Jim awed as we pulled up to Pam and Robert's house.

"This place is massive." I chuckled, looking at the stunning white mansion.

"Yeah, it is." Jim nodded as he parked the car and we climbed out.

"This looks incredible." I smiled as we walked up the driveway that was decorated with flowers and fairy lights. My eyes widened as a man walked towards us, carrying a silver tray full of champagne.

"Mr and Mrs Halpert?" he smiled at us. I looked at Jim, making him look at me and nod.

"That is us." I chuckled.

"Miss Beesly has requested that you sit at the family table with her and Mr Caxton's families." He nodded. Our eyes widened as we looked at each other.

"Alright then." Jim chuckled.

"This way please." The waiter spoke before leading us through the back garden.

"Oh, my god, this place is beautiful." I gawped as we walked through the fairy lights and among the pristine tables covered in white table cloths and rose petals.

"Well, Beesly knows how to throw a good party." Jim chuckled, making me nod.

"Guys!" we turned around and smiled as Pam rushed towards us.

"Pam, you look incredible." I squealed, making her laugh as she hugged me.

"Thank you. And thank you for being here, it means the world to me." She smiled.

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