Jim's secret

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"I'm just saying, you said you'd be home by eight." I spoke as Jim and I walked into the office.

"And I'm just saying, it went on longer than expected." He sighed.

"Jim got home at eleven thirty last night, smelling of beer, with a hint of perfume. Perfume that isn't mine." I nodded, tears pricking my eyes as I looked down.

"He says he was at a meeting, but none of his client companies have female bosses so I don't know where the perfume came from." I admitted.

Jim's P.O.V

"I had the first business meeting with my buddy last night, and it went really well." Jim smiled as he nodded.

"Everything is telling us that this will be a success and I'm genuinely excited that I'm creating something that will provide for Cece." He nodded.

"However, I did get a little drunk at said meeting and so got home way later than I should have done, so I think Y/N is kinda annoyed." He winced. His eyebrows furrowed.

"She said I smelt like perfume? What?" he scoffed before looking down and realising he was wearing the same tie as he had worn yesterday. He took it in his hand and rose it to his nose. His eyes widened.

"Oh, my god, this isn't good." He gulped, looking into the camera with desperate eyes.

"My buddy's fiancé is also an investor so she was there, it must be her perfume-oh god." He winced, covering his eyes with his hand.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat at my desk, writing out my sales.

"Here you go, my beautiful wife." Jim spoke as he put the mug of coffee on my desk before kissing my cheek.

"Thanks, but what's that for?" I chuckled nervously.

"Just because I love you." He smiled, looking at me as he sat down.

"I love you too." I returned his smile.

"Oh, you'll never guess what happened yesterday." He chuckled.

"Hit me." I nodded.

"So, my meeting yesterday was in one of the conference rooms in the mall, and I was early so I went into that department store, the one with the cushions." He spoke.

"Bainbrookes." I nodded.

"That's the one. So, dad said that mom wanted this perfume for her birthday so I went to the perfume department. I had been in there for like thirty seconds when one of the clerks came up to me, said I must smell this perfume and just sprayed it on me." He chuckled. My eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, that's funny. Is that why you smell of perfume?" I asked.

"Yeah, this woman sprayed like three sprits on me." He smiled.

"What perfume was it?" I asked.

"I don't know, Gucci, I think." He nodded. I returned it.

"Okay. Well, it smelt nice so I think you should get it for your mom's birthday." I spoke.

"Okay, I will." He smiled. I returned it before looking back at my work.

"So, turns out Jim smelling of perfume was completely innocent. I was wrong." I nodded into the camera.

Jim's P.O.V

"Yes, I lied about how I smelt of perfume, but the business isn't ready enough for Y/N to know about it yet, and it'd kill me if she thought I was cheating, so I told her a little white lie to smooth things over." He nodded.

Jim's P.O.V

Jim sat in the kitchen, reading the paper as he drank his coffee.

"Hey man." He looked up and smiled as Darryl walked into the kitchen.

"Hey dude." He nodded.

"Anything interesting in the paper?" Darryl asked.

"Nah, same old. But, whilst you're here, I have a preposition for you." Jim spoke, looking at Darryl as he put down the paper.

"Okay." Darryl nodded as he sat down at the table.

"So, my best friend from college is in the process of setting up a sports marketing company in Philly. I'm an investor, so if you were interested, I could look at getting you a job there once it's set up." Jim explained.

"Dude, that sounds awesome." Darryl laughed.

"Right? It's a great opportunity." Jim smiled.

"How sure is it? Like how set up is it?" he asked.

"In a month or two, it'll be ready. Really all I have left to do is tell Y/N." Jim nodded.

"Woah, Y/N doesn't know yet?" he asked. Jim looked at him.

"No..." he mumbled.

"Dude, you've been married for half a year, that's enough time for you to know that it's not official until your wife has said yes." Darryl chuckled before standing up and leaving. Jim's eyes wavered and he looked into the camera.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sighed as I sat at my desk, tapping my pen against the wood. I looked up and my eyebrows furrowed as Jim wasn't there. I gulped and bit my lip as I turned around and looked at Pam. Now was the ideal time.

"Screw it." I whispered to myself as I stood up and walked over to reception.

"Hey hun." Pam smiled.

"Hey, can I ask you something? It's kinda awkward." I smiled sheepishly, fiddling with my wedding and engagement rings.

"Sure." Pam nodded. I gulped.

"I know this was a long time ago but when you and Jim were together, did you ever suspect he was cheating or anything?" I asked. Pam's eyes widened.

"I mean, there was a rumour that he was cheating with you but I knew that wasn't true. Apart from that, no. Why? Do you think he's cheating?" she asked. I sighed.

"No, I just, I don't know. He was at a meeting a couple weeks ago that went on until late and then he smelt of perfume that wasn't mine. He's been going to meetings for the last month and has always come home smelling of perfume." I choked, looking down. Pam sighed and took my hand.

"I don't think he's cheating, Y/N. He's not that type of guy and he loves you. I don't think he'd do that to you." She admitted. I gulped and nodded.

"Okay, thanks. Do me a favour and don't tell him? I don't want him thinking that I don't trust him." I spoke.

"Course, hun." She smiled.

"Thanks." I returned it before going back to my desk.

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