Cecelia Elizabeth Halpert

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Jim's P.O.V

Jim walked out of Y/N's maternity room and smiled at the camera.

"Um, still no baby Halpert yet and Y/N's water broke 12 hours ago so she's been in labour for 19-no, 20 hours now." He chuckled, looking at his watch.

"Er, I passed out a couple times but all is okay, the baby will hopefully be here soon-."

"Mr Halpert?" he turned around to see Y/N's nurse.

"She's ready to push." She nodded.

"I'll be here in a sec." he smiled before looking at the camera.

"Alright. I'm about to have a baby." He laughed before rushing into the room.

Jim walked out into the waiting room of the maternity ward and smiled as everyone from the office sat there. Everyone looked at him.

"So? Is there a baby Halpert yet?" Oscar asked.

"There is." Jim nodded, laughing as everyone cheered.

"Cecelia Elizabeth Halpert is seven pounds two ounces, and twenty centimetres long, she's beautiful, and mother and daughter are doing great." He smiled, making everyone cheer again.

"Congratulations." Andy smiled.

"Yeah, we're really happy for you guys." Pam squealed.

"Well thank you everyone, now, Y/N is still resting so I'm gonna go spend time with her and our daughter so see you guys later." He smiled, making everyone say bye collectively as he walked back into the maternity ward.

Y/N's P.O.V

I lay in the hospital bed, cradling Cece in my arms as she slept. I looked up and smiled as Jim walked back in.

"How is everyone?" I asked.

"They're good. They're very happy to hear about Cece getting here safely." He smiled as he sat in the bed next to me.

"So am I. It took her long enough." I chuckled, making Jim smirk as he gently cradled her head with his hand.

"I just, I can't believe we created her. We created this tiny, precious, beautiful human being." He shook his head.

"I know. I can't believe I had her with you." I spoke. Jim looked at me.

"Is that a good thing?" he chuckled nervously.

"Of course it is. Four years ago, you were with Pam and I had a massive crush on you, which I didn't ever think I could pursue, let alone having you return those feelings. Yet here we are, a couple months away from getting married, and we have a baby girl together. It's perfect. Especially because it's happening with you." I whispered. Jim looked at me and smiled before gently leaning in and kissing me. I returned it, smiling into it. Suddenly, Cece's eyes fluttered open and a small cry left her lips, making Jim and I break the kiss.

"Aww baby, hey, hey, it's okay." Jim chuckled, gently taking her from me and getting off the bed.

"I hope she doesn't get into this habit of sleeping when we're awake and being awake when we're asleep." I spoke.

"Are you crazy, you're gonna jinx it, don't say that." Jim chuckled, making me smile.

"Okay, here we go, Cece, here we go, good girl." Jim nodded as he gently put her into the hospital crib. She fidgeted slightly in her blanket as he put her down and retracted his hands. He looked at me and smiled.

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