The big news

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"So, we're at the hospital, and we're about to find out if Y/N is pregnant, like we think she is." Jim nodded, smiling as he looked at me. I returned it and looked at the camera.

"Yes. I've done a test and we're about to sit down with the doctor and find out-."

"Mr Halpert and Miss Y/L/N?" we turned around to see the doctor stood there.

"I'm ready for you now." He nodded.

"Okay, we'll be two minutes." Jim smiled before looking at me.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Definitely." I smiled. Jim nodded and returned it before looking into the camera.

"See you soon." He smiled before putting his hand on my lower back and leading me in.

We sat in the doctor's office, hands joined.

"So, we took a urine sample to determine if you're pregnant, and we should be able to tell you how far along you are as well." The doctor nodded.

"Okay." I gulped, gripping Jim's hand tightly.

"What are the results?" Jim asked quietly. The doctor looked at us.

"Congratulations, Miss Y/L/N, you're pregnant." He nodded. My eyes widened and I looked at Jim.

"Oh my god." He smiled, looking at me with tear pricked eyes.

"How far along?" I asked.

"About three months. We've estimated your due date to be April 30th." The doctor nodded. I looked at Jim.

"I'll leave you to process this news. Congratulations." The doctor smiled before leaving. Jim looked at me as a tear left his eye.

"We're having a baby." He laughed. I returned it before hugging him tightly.

"Look at that rock." Pam squealed as she looked at my engagement ring.

"I know, I love it." I smiled, looking at Jim. He gave me a reassuring smile and winked at me, making my smile widen.

"By the way, Pam, no hard feelings?" I gulped.

"No, no. What Jim and I had, we had a long time ago and it wasn't half of what you two have. We just weren't right for each other. I'm genuinely happy for you." She smiled before hugging me. I returned it, holding her tightly.

"Now I better be a bridesmaid." Pam smiled as she pulled away.

"You had a spot as soon as he proposed." I returned, making her squeal as she went back to reception. I sat down and looked at Jim, smiling as he just stared intently at me.

"Why are you staring at me like a weirdo?" I chuckled. He shook his head and smiled.

"I just...putting that ring on your finger was the best decision I've ever made." He admitted. I bit my lip as tears pricked my eyes.

"I love you too." I nodded, making him smile.

"Y/N." Dwight spoke. I sighed, chuckling as Jim rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Dwight." I spoke, turning to face him.

"Is it true that Jim has planted his seed into your fertile womb?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Jim.

"English please." Jim nodded. Dwight sighed.

"Is it true that Jim has impregnated you?" he asked. My eyes widened.

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