The Dundies

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"Yes, Seth and I broke up last night." I nodded, looking into the camera.

"I just...I thought that I loved him, but I didn't, and we'd only been together for five months and he was already talking about getting married, so it was just moving too fast, so...I ended it." I nodded.

"And, the fact that I'm in love with someone else also kind of stopped me from wanting to marry someone who isn't him." I chuckled.

"Who is the other guy?" I asked. I smiled slightly and looked into the camera.

"A certain tall, lanky as hell salesman with gelled brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, who is way too good for me and is super sweet my best friend." I admitted, trying to hide my smile as I looked down.

Jim's P.O.V

Jim looked at the floor, trying to conceal his smile before looking back at the camera.

"Seth and Y/N broke up last night. Well, more accurately, Y/N broke up with him." He nodded, cupping his chin in his hand as he stared down the camera's lens.

"Of course I feel bad for her. She was with that jackass for half a year almost. But honestly, if I ever see that asshole again, I might just kill him. I love her and he hurt her..." his voice trailed off and his eyes widened as he realised what he'd just said. He gulped and looked at the camera.

"I just said that I love her...and she's not Pam...oh my god." He groaned, leaning forward and holding his face in his hands. He couldn't help but smile, though, as he looked back at the camera.

"I love her. I love her." He smiled, tears pricking his eyes.

Y/N's P.O.V

"I know that it's sold, but it's still within the period for withdrawal, and not all of the papers are signed yet." I sighed, holding my head in my hand as I spoke on the phone.

"No, I haven't signed the papers, so it's not official yet, that's what I'm saying." I nodded.

"Do I need to get my lawyer involved, or can we just handle this in a civil way?" I asked. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you. I'll call you later." I nodded before hanging up and holding my head in my hands.

"That doesn't look good." I looked up and gave Jim a small smile as he looked at me worriedly.

"It is, actually. That was my realtor, I was asking her if I could pull out of the sale, since Seth and I broke up." I nodded. Jim gulped.

"And?" he asked slowly.

"I pulled out." I smiled, making him breathe a sigh of relief as he returned it.

"Oh, thank god. You're free." He chuckled, making me laugh and nod.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Michael asked as he wandered out of his office. I looked at Jim, causing him to shrug and smile at me as he turned his chair around to look at Michael.

"So, as you all know, it's the Dundies tonight. I want you all on your best behaviour, and in your best clothes. Psych!" he laughed, making Jim look at me.

"But in all seriousness, there's no company tab this year, so only drink what you're willing to spend."  Michael nodded, making everyone groan.

"The only person here who makes enough money to go out and buy several drinks for their family without a company tab is you." Stanley spoke, pointing his pencil at Michael.

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